#i have so many more songs for each character it was kinda hard only picking a handful 😅😅
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yukipri · 6 months ago
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So I've been trying out the new Star Wars Hunters game that came out on Mobile & Switch recently!
I haven't played many brawling type games like this so I wasn't expecting much, but I've actually been really enjoying it so far! I've probably put too many hours into playing (especially since I was super sick around launch and didn't have much else I could do), and I hit max level 50 and Kyber in ranked a while ago... (yeah, playing too much, I know...)
Thought I'd share my initial thoughts though, since I've put in the time!
Note: Some folks have apparently been playing the beta version for a while, but I've only started playing since the public release.
Stuff I like about it so far:
-The really creative and fun SW universe characters is the best part. A blind Miraluka sniper? (Diago) An Ugnaught driving a Droideka? (Slingshot) Literally two Jawas in a trench coat??? (Utooni) They're fun and have great personality, you can read their blurbs here. I like how they're all voiced and also all have their own theme songs (which are honestly heckin catchy)!
-Controls are very intuitive. Again, I am not much of a gamer and have very little experience with these kinds of games, but I picked it up quick. I play on my iPhone and it's great.
-The graphics are GORGEOUS. It looks beautiful, everything moves stunningly smoothly. Honestly it's hard to believe this is a ftp game.
-So far it's very much ftp friendly! Most of the money locked stuff are just cosmetics, and even then there are tons of free ones. One of the characters, Aran Tal, is currently behind a not-too-expensive paywall, but he'll apparently be available for free soon as well.
-The skins for the characters are fun and creative! Imara Vex has one that looks like Durge, and Zaina has one that kinda gives me adult Omega vibes. The store has an active rotation of skins that you can buy with either irl money or in game currency, and apparently old event skins eventually end up in the circulation too. Here are just a couple of my favorites:
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-I love the locations! Each one is very Star Wars vibes and has lots of cool lil in-universe elements, like pod racers going through Mos Espa (they can run you over). The time period is New Republic era, so everything is relatively plausible for that time period in universe.
-There's a bunch of different game types, so you don't get bored, and they each have different challenges, and different characters who shine in them. It's unfortunately a bit addicting.
-The events aren't too grindy or tedious (so far).
-I really appreciate the different modes you can play on! The main two modes are casual and ranked, so it's possible to play low stakes and just level up your characters in casual, or try to challenge yourself more in ranked. I appreciate how the limited time events that sometimes throw you into random characters you might not be experienced with are never ranked, so it's okay to suck. Character leveling is the same in both casual and ranked. And I appreciate the Training mode too, where you can try out all of the characters so you're never in a "wtf does this do" in a PVP environment. I get so anxious during PVP if I don't know what I'm doing.
Stuff I hope they improve on:
-Playing with people + party invites are kind of a pain. The invites disappear really quickly, so it's really hard to time it so you can actually play with your friends. It's also hard to know whether the party is going to be playing ranked or casual, and if ranked you can't see the ranks of the folks in your party before agreeing to join, which is a little nerve wracking.
-This is less a complaint, and more just general frustration, but ranking up is pretty tedious near the top, which is to be expected I suppose. Through Aurodium, it was generous because you earn so many more points when you win than when you lose, but in Kyber, you win/lose the same amount. You are judged by your team score, so losses bring down everyone's rank, and it feels like you have to take three steps back for every one. Kyber players are comparatively more competent, but I've been in some...unfortunate matchups before. (As of writing this, I'm in Kyber III, but I've been bouncing between Beskar II~Kyber II for the past two weeks...will I ever make it to Kyber I cries)
-I think they started with a decent batch of characters, and I know this game just came out of beta and the team said they'll be expanding on them! So this isn't really a complaint either. But in the future, I hope they add more female characters (currently only 4 female characters out of 13 total, which feels a little skewed), as well as more support characters, who always feel lacking.
I'd love a few more "popular" iconic Star Wars species to have characters in support. Maybe a Togruta apothecary? A Nautolan water medic? A Pantoran doctor? And personally, I'd love a super buff Twi'lek lady as a tank! Either way, lots of possibilities to look forward to, especially given how much I love the characters so far!
So far, I've been playing on my iPhone and it works pretty smoothly, though I've heard of some Switch users having trouble with lagging/connecting. I think I've only been booted out once, and even when I'm forced to pop out of the app for a moment (last night, I got an Amber alert that paused my screen), I was able to continue playing with barely any pause, which is honesty impressive. I've heard controls are easier on Switch, but I think I've been doing okay on mobile.
Have you tried this game out??
Here's the launch trailer if you're interested, it's Pretty:
And a self plug!
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Feel free to add me, I'm Akaz!
I main Skora (Rodian support) and prefer to play her in ranked, but also have Aran Tal (Mando, he's my baby boi), Sentinel (Stormtrooper tank), and Diago (Miraluka sniper) also at max level. Working on leveling up the others in casual mode!
I'm very happy to play casual mode with anyone! (and I play casual mode a lot to level up my less-used characters, and recommend spending some time there for new folks before diving into ranked)
I'm also happy to play ranked!
(but be warned, you'll kinda want to know what you're doing, or they will slaughter you in Kyber)
I might type up a follow up review giving my thoughts on each individual character and maybe some general tips idk
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wraith-caller · 3 months ago
If it is ok to ask for other characters... How about the Hoslow brothers and/or Fia?
it certainly is!!
Fia was answered here. As for the Hoslows, I will admit to not being as well versed in them, so any Hoslow heads out there, feel free to correct me if i get some lore wrong!! Diallos: favorite thing about them: His sorta bravado he hides behind and how fragile he is underneath. You really get the 'pampered baby of the family' vibe with him but then you also see how being relegated to this position has impacted him and left him feeling sorta useless in comparison to his brother.
least favorite thing about them: That we don't get to learn HOW he found the jar town lol it's in a pretty obscure location that takes some serious cliff scaling to get to!
favorite line: "After much internal debate, I've come to realise revenge is not the answer. According to Lady Tanith, I've got the stuff of champions. And champions, ironic as it is, are oft forced to walk a tainted path. It hit me like a bolt from the blue that my former thoughts were simple naiveté." I like how you can so clearly see Tanith's manipulations at work even though Diallos can't see it himself, and even thinks it's a "realisation" he made on his own. It's so pitiful and also relatable that someone grieving this loss, and who is already struggling with insecurities about their worth, is so malleable in the right hands.
brOTP: Him and Lanya. I prefer them as feeling basically like siblings, given they've known each other since childhood and grew up with each other. I like the idea of them just always at each other's sides and getting into all sorts of trouble.
OTP Hmm that's a tough one bc I can only think up awful toxic pairings lmao Bernahl/Diallos or Tanith/Diallos would both be so terrible in a good way imo. The abuse of power and imbalance, and manipulation of a vulnerable person in an emotionally difficult time, all the while they know they plan to kill his brother.
nOTP Diallos/Lanya.
random headcanon: He's actually an exceptional swordsman but is so determined to live up to the standards of his house that he insists on using the whips, which he's not as good with.
unpopular opinion The theory that him and Juno are Numen simply bc Diallos drops a Numen's rune on death. Runes are strength, and his whole storyline is about him doubting his own strength only to pull through and die for a noble cause in the end. Imo, the Numen's rune is symbolic of that, not literal.
song i associate with them Hold Your Colour by Pendulum
favorite picture of them
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Any time he's with the jars is cute!! Again a pic from zlofsky.
Juno: favorite thing about them: his humility in saying he doesn't consider himself a champion, I guess. given that he may have been seeking the Elden Throne, it would be a nice trait for a lord to have.
least favorite thing about them: that he didn't get to have any dialog or much connection to Diallos' quest.
favorite line: "I have already walked many a road drenched in blood, yet never would I consider myself a champion." Only because it's literally his only line lol
brOTP: I mentioned in the Darian post that it'd be cool to see these two together. They both seem duty-oriented, and have a younger sibling(though Devin's barely much younger...) that they seem somewhat protective of. Their vastly different backgrounds would make them interesting to pair together.
OTP Hard to say since he's so sparse. Random ships that come to mind are Juno/Latenna, Juno/Istvahn, Juno/Vyke. If I wasn't already wedded to Nepheli/Roderika, maybe he'd go well with Roderika.
nOTP: Probably Juno/Lanya for similar reasons I wouldn't be into Diallos/Lanya.
random headcanon: He resents his father for how he treats Diallos. While he isn't abusive necessarily, he definitely pays less attention to Diallos' accomplishments and focuses more of his efforts on Juno, the apparent heir. This is why Juno kinda picks up the slack and would rather Diallos not have to bloody his hands anyway.
unpopular opinion: I'm unfamiliar with any opinions on them, and so don't know what would be unpopular haha
song i associate with them: first thing to come to mind is Mr. Lonely, esp the version by Angel Olsen & Emile Mosseri
favorite picture of them:
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A cool action shot from zlofsky!!
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inventors-fair · 2 months ago
The Sound of Silence: Lyric Commentary
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I'm quite happy with the response that this contest generated this week, and I'm thoroughly impressed with the variety of music that I got to see everyone choose! From classic rap to soundtracks, indie to musicals, it really goes to show that there are so many ways to connect with lyrics across the board. I've been trying to do more mechanical-oriented contests as of late after a slew of flavorful ones. Contests like this seem to tread a medium ground.
My favorite overall aspect of this week is how those variations in music either influenced or completely changed one's approach to the song. Many cards had themes that were directly connected to the world of Magic and intentionally shifted the context of the lyrics, but for others, I feel that the lyrics helped drive the card's creation. I liked seeing the ways in which people allowed their love of music to make new cards!
My overall mechanical critique is a reminder about space and punctuation. Magic cards are limited by the amount of characters you can fit into a title, and there's only so much room for flavor text as well. In the real world of card processes, there would be someone who would ask for flavor text on cards that needed them, but seeing as we're acting in mechanical, creative, AND visual space, it's something to be cognizant of. Additionally, I saw a lot of semicolon misuse this week. Semicolons are for separating two like ideas that could be connected but lead into each other naturally; they can't replace the function of commas or emdashes.
But my song's almost been sung, SO: here are the entries and commentary! If you see a card with JUDGE PICK next to it, that means it was either a) in the running and there just wasn't space, or b) there was a specific cool thing about it that I wanted to highlight for the crowd. One, two, three, four—
@an-anarchist-shapeshifter — End the Feud "Time will Change You" by The Crane Wives
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I feel a sense of disconnect between the notion of equal pacifism and the mechanical implications. Perhaps the king and the elves are each representative of the green and white here, but then there's the fact that everyone's graveyards are exiled and only you get the benefit. Of course, there's no way that giving your opponents the counters would be reasonable. In that instance, perhaps one compromise would've been to not necessarily display the truce, but also a force for the future. After all, wouldn't you be swinging in pretty hard after this?
Still, the ability to really beef up a board through lots of graveyard shenanigans is just what a GW deck could use against a more control-oriented matchup. Personally I'd phrase it "where X is the number of cards exiled from your graveyard this way" instead of "owned," because it's more intuitive to me. Yeah, it's the same thing, but regardless. And it's a good swing in still! I think the bottom line is that I wanted for there to be a more direct connection between the trajectory of these two kingdoms and how the player would use this to then claim some manner of victory. The intended mood matches the lyrics but could've used a different mechanical angle if you wanted to stick with the notion of peace. A lifegain spell might've been reasonable as well.
@arixordragc — Disdainful Dragon "Judgement" by Caamora)
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I'm quite familiar with the card Disdainful Stroke. I'm also familiar with the cost and its effects. I'm baffled as to why the choice to name a card ostensibly after a specific spell would lead to an inverted effect here. Why mana value 4 or less? Yeah, maybe someone would be disdainful of those underneath them as the lyric suggests, but most of the Disdainful Strokes that we've seen have flavorfully been about dismissing the greater displays of power from those above you. The choice to invert that feels incongruous to me.
The card's perfectly fine, I suppose, even if the flavor text is kinda squished in there. It's a good draft mythic and could see sideboard play. Really, though, the whole concept of the card feels like it should've been built around the spell in question and the fact that it isn't frustrates me somewhat. I want to hear about the decision for that later if you're around and about to tell it.
@bergdg — One More Light "One More Light" by Linkin Park
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Yeah, it's a great little one-drop. Combat tricks like this are fun for limited and good for constructed in the right situations. I like the stipulation for the counter. Did you ever consider having an effect that would do something else if the permanent wasn't a creature? I suppose that the bonus is fine enough for white. The flavorful portion of this card is pretty strongly in white's wheelhouse, and that's something that really solidifies it in this unique position.
What is the value of a single entity to the colors? I suppose Blue would have each individual categorized, Black would have each individual counting themselves first, Red would fight for each individual's brightness to shine, and Green recognizes that each light has a purpose. But it's white's capacity to care from one light to another first that matters. The ellipses in the flavor text is grammatically awkward to me, and really should've been removed, but the sentiment's what matters here. Ultimately a great connection that speaks to the color pie, I say. Maybe not the most staggering effect, but eh, combat tricks are always worth it to someone.
@bread-into-toast — Weight of the Worldsoul "Good Luck Babe!" by Chappell Roan
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I'm always struck by the effort of the art here. The new enchantment frames really make this pop for sure, and with this kind of really wild effect, it's a feast for the senses. That said, mechanics matter more here, so I'll stop that particular praise to tell you that I wish there was a more coherent way to phrase this effect. Coherent? More succinct is what I mean. I grok it, of course, and there are plenty of effects that do this sort of thing, but it's a heck of a mouthful.
Being able to shut off someone's cards like this is often much better than just removing them, though, even if it gets them mana. Sacrificing a creature is still totally doable if it's just got Pacifism on it, and instant-speed Aura removal is a lot worse when it's on a Planeswalker you control. Could "Enchant creature, planeswalker or land" roll off the tongue easier? Is there a tried-and-true 'you must do this' order to these things? At this point I usually go with intuition. As far as the Worldsoul and whatever goes, I like the interpretation of the lyrics to this kind of overwhelming effect. Like, damn, yeah, being interconnected to all of life and nature really can be a burden. I don't believe that Chappell Roan was talking about that exactly but who knows, maybe she's a planeswalker in disguise. I suppose in the end you've got a lot of funky words on a funky card, but it's a heck of an interesting card for what it's worth. 
@cthulhusaurusrex — Lead Pipe Languages "Ballskin" by MF DOOM
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What a fantastic reference choice of lyric-to-card-presentation you've got here. I think that anyone looking at this art would certainly understand the homage, although the name is somewhat... Well, not to tie things up, but it's kind of blunt all things considered. Maybe I would expect there to be more bludgeoning in the connection; as someone who's a fan of the esoteric, it's a wee bit too esoteric to pass the test of player comprehension.
The mechanics are certainly reminiscent of the Silverquill power, and it was a fair enough choice to have the power of language and the rap references align here. The fact that you can turn Auras into enchantment creatures is a bit of an oversight considering how they would immediately die. And since when do the Silverquill care about enchantments or enchantment creatures? Yes, I know that it would be more to the point of having this card work in a specific constructed shell, but unless this is intended to present a completely new leap here, I don't see the exact connection. Maybe if there are more Silverquill cards in the future they'll be able to delve into this space. Other than that, the 'why' of this card is still lost on me.
@dimestoretajic — Graveyard Smash (JUDGE PICK) "Monster Mash" by Bobby Pickett
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It's a perfectly reasonable card that smashes with flash, if your casting is ramped to amp up the crash of nasty ghasts to cash their massive axes and gash the aghast. Plus, exiling someone else's graveyard so that they can't get their own creature reanimated is pretty awesome too. I didn't expect for someone to go with a song that's a little...sillier? I should've expected that more, honestly, it's kinda silly myself that I didn't. Maybe I was thinking of more personal songs for people, more poetic. But hey, maybe there's sentimentality for you, I ain't one to judge. Except in the position whereupon I'm the judge.
And I'm judging that flavor text just a little bit, just because it feels a little obvious for what you're going for. It's not bad, of course, and I like how there's a little bit of that implied silliness with a hooligan horde of graverobbers coming in to dig up a bunch of graves as fast as they can before bouncing. Maybe I would've liked some more of the result of the looting, like how after they'd heard about the security, there wasn't a still shovel for weeks, or how the sounds of tilled earth and cracked granite kept everyone up, or maybe how it even startled the ghosts—yadda yadda yadda. Reanimating from an eff-yours-got-mine is awesome, and I love the name because of how absurd the portrayal is! There's a poetic extra mile that really could've pushed it, but take the thumbs-up for what it is.
@feyd-rautha-apologist — Ignite the Drive (JUDGE PICK) "Extras (Elphelt's Theme)" by Molly Daisy & Daisuke Ishiwatari
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I'm guilty for not knowing anything about Guilty Gear. Frankly, I don't play that many video games in the first place. What I do know is that goblins also don't listen to safety regulations and also, Vehicles don't have enough of this effect—honestly, there isn't any effect quite like this, not as simple, and I enjoy it a lot. Whatever limited environment that this could go in, it knows what it's asking for. Good topdeck when you need that last creature and don't have what you need to power your vehicles.
There's this energy that the song brings and this Magic-themed matching energy that feels aligned even without that direct connection between the nice young lady in the thumbnail and the motorhead in the art description. Maybe the exclamation points in the flavor text are a little much, but aside from that, this was a competitive week and I still want to commend this card for its strength of mood and overall kick-assery. 
@frognarch — Ruler's Acquisition "C.R.E.A.M." by Wu-Tang Clan
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It's a damn cool image, that's for sure. Something tells me that "cash" as a concept isn't the most in-line with most Magic universes, and that's really the most difficult part of this card to contend with flavorfully; the fact that it's the flavor text that you chose is, well... I might just not be the right audience for sunglasses-wearing skulls. What this card sets out to do, I imagine, is to display a more contemporary take that's connected to the music, as opposed to finding a niche in a specific/established plane. And that's fine if that's what you're setting out to do! For most contest criteria, I'm just a little more straightedge with it.
The mechanics are what I really want to tinker with here, because goodness gracious there's some powerful stuff moving around. I will say that there's a small issue in power balance for constructed for sure. Swinging in and getting your Treasures with any kind of earlier treasure support means that you can, at instant speed, snatch up your opponents blockers and effectively ensure that they don't play the game. If this was a rare that sacrificed itself to gain control of another creature, I'd be a lot more down for that. Repeatedly and permanently gaining control of other players' stuff is a feelbad for just about any format. If that's still what you're after, then you might want to secure more hoops to jump through, because the threshold of five Treasures in the right shell is a lot easier to get to than you might think.
@horsecrash — Wanderlust (JUDGE PICK) "Metal Detector" by They Might Be Giants
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So far, Glowcap Lantern is the closest that any other card's come to this effect, and it's kinda strange that that's the case. It's a damn powerful effect, but having to hit on contact doesn't make it any more powerful than, say, Sticky Fingers or whatever. Less so without evasion, honestly. And that's good! Balanced commons are indeed good, no matter what the folks on the internet might say. They don't say otherwise, I don't know why I said that. Auras in limited are pretty undervalued, and in the end I think that having this in a shell with flying evasion would be the best bet. Whether or not I'd play it is kinda up in the air.
What I do like about this card that's commendable enough for a JP is the natural manner in which the flavor text as a fragment defines the aura, and also turns around the song to something that feels distinctly Magic-related. Yep, it's exactly that, that's how we're defining "wanderlust" for green, and I think it clicks in very well. Usually I'm not as down for fragments, but you make it make sense here because its parts of speech are enhancing what's being demonstrated through gameplay. This card should be notable for anyone reading this as an example of how grammar can work for you when you're writing your own original flavor text. Also, hell yeah TMBG.
@izzet-always-r-versus-u — Trust Deceived "You're Gonna Go Far, Kid" by The Offspring
[image description: a scene through Kellan's POV - on the ground in the midst of the crossfire in Tarnation, vision going dark at the edges, hand outstretched, watching Oko walk away from him.]
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Something something two nickels. Anyway, it's a pretty rough pseudo-counterspell, and I like the way that your art direction places us. It's been a while since I've read the OTJ story. With that snippet of the lyrics in the title, I guess I understand it, but it's a little underwhelming for a choice. Maybe that's the hard part about having lyrics for a title—you don't get all the nuance that a longer sentence might bring. But I'm also not opposed to it, and if I'm generous, seeing this card in an OTJ pack would make me pretty happy to play blue. Blue was really damn powerful in OTJ. Makes me nostalgic, really.
The first line is the only one that needs a mechanical change, I think. Were you going for more of a Deflecting Swat kind of deal? Honestly I don't know why that one is a "may," but whatever. In that case, you might want to actually word it like Sideswipe. Yes, from CHK. Because OTJ had cards with multiple targets, the ability to change any number of them would've been awesome. Against a full-spree Metamorphic Blast or Rustler Rampage? Hell yeah. That said, I'm glad that this card doesn't have Spree, and that was a fair choice. Maybe stunning a creature as a last resort is a feelsbad at rare, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do, and options are what really makes a rare card rare. The fact that just about all these things were found on OTJ spells actually makes me less inclined to think that that's the environment where you imagined this, but tell me what your thought process was—I'm curious!
@levelzeo — Let Me See Your Bones "Skeleton Appreciation Day" by Will Wood and the Tapeworms
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Weirdly enough, for reasons that I don't have a specific example for, this card doesn't work within the layers. I've attached the link below as to why, but the TL;DR is that modifying creature types happens in layer 4 and P/T stuff happens in layer 7. If you want to change a creature's type, it can't be contingent on its colors, abilities, or P/T as a static effect. Intuitive? No. Rulesworthy? Yes. This is one of the first cards in a while where I've actually had to investigate this! You learn something new every day. And it's a shame, because I really like how this card plays out.
Getting everything to be a X/1 Skeleton and having them party hard with each other is really cool for making the board a bunch of boney boys, and the length of the title is awesome with flavor text that takes from the song as well. Like, this is a skeleton love letter and I think that all the elements technically come together very well! It's a shame that there's not really an easy way to go about the effect that you're looking for without some weird wording and/or targeting and stuff. Small note: you're using MSE, correct? Using "Chop Bottom" in the Style tab will make it so that your FT doesn't get covered by a stamp.
@melancholia-ennui — Moment of Doubt "The Getting By II" by The Killers
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Once more the semicolon of separation comes in to rattle my bones. Argh! Small potatoes, though, for a card that's got some heavy emotions that come with it. I think that there's something to be said for how you've gone about this concept from a flavorful perspective, some kind of lost faith. The Theros Gods in particular being contingent upon belief is an interesting one, because there's that feeling of outsider doubt that makes cards like this that much more profound in-universe, to say nothing of the profundity outside of it. I wonder if the FT could've been just as fine with "When I look up, all I see is sky" attributed to one of the figures. It says enough without the rhyme to make it feel lyrical, no?
I don't think we need to delve into the mechanics as much as the flavor's getting to me, honestly, but I'll do my damndest anyway. After all, it's a fun take on the white boardwipes that we've been seeing these days with the draw stuff, and I think I'm a fan of how it reflects belief as something that can still accrue meaning despite the doubt being more powerful than said belief. Still, it should read: "Each player who controls an Avatar, God, Demigod, and/or legendary enchantment" because otherwise one could argue that someone who controls both somehow wouldn't draw a card. Semantics! Yes, that's a dumb take. Yes, someone would actually argue that if they found themselves in that situation. Yes, boardwipes are awesome in limited. And yes, I do particularly like the inclusion of Avatar in there, actually. It's a nice touch.
@mildewpyre — Dreamless Dorm/Ticking Clock "Burn My Dread" by Yumi Kawamura
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I am...more or less confused by what this card seeks to accomplish. Your opponent has basically no chance to react to Dreamless Dorm when you cast it, right? So why is it worded as a trigger like that? Playing a creatureless control deck that ensures you maximize that value is a bit uninteractive in limited, and with a majority of Magic back-and-forth being tied to creatures these days, having a burn spell that can deal a ridiculous amount of damage for that little mana isn't what I'd call a fun card. And then you have the card that changes life totals being one that follows after that, for seven mana? I'm not sure what the process was for how this card was intended to work.
If I'm being generous, I'd say that playing Dreamless Dorm and then swinging in incentivizes your opponents to block with a little more fatalism in mind before maximizing the damage that your own creatures would do to you. That's also if you're running creatures in the first place, which if you're doing limited, you'd have to do in order to get anywhere. But that's pure conjecture and that's nothing to be said for how Ticking Clock really doesn't mesh with the Dorm in the first place. What's with the name-to-gameplay connection, too? And why did you include flavor text on an Aftermath card? I'll assume this is supposed to be rare, too, but I'll be honest: this card feels like the idea for a Persona-themed card came took over the actual card design. Theming is important but it can't come at the cost of a cohesive card structure.
@nine-effing-hells — Throw Off the Shackles "Defying Gravity" by Stephen Schwartz
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I read one of the books in the series many years ago, but I've never been too into Wicked like a lot of people I know. Never really delved into theatre as much as I should've. Still, when you have a green-skinned ostracized character being unjustly maligned, might as well roll with it, right? I guess that the only thing I have against this card is the fact that I don't sense any sort of "game" that one might associate with the Azorius? Like, is that how a Golgari character would see the relationship? I have a hard time buying that just because it's a specific kind of back-and-forth where the powerful figure(s) need to take themselves less seriously in order for a game to be recognized. IMO the Azorius take themselves way too seriously for this FT to be the best application.
Still, the effect is something that we haven't seen too much of re:Aura destruction, and looking at all the Auras that Ravnica has to offer from the Azorius, I like what the gameplay and AD could do with one another! Getting that sense of tethering severance feels both strong for Black on both fronts, and the indestructible is another cool aspect that I like about the combat tricks Black has to offer. Determination is a quality that we've been seeing more of in Black. Bringing that out to this card is actually quite impressive considering how well the execution flows.
@piccadilly-blue — Baron Von Marlon "Too Much Brandy" by The Streets
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Honestly, I didn't listen to too many of the songs that people had sent in, either because I didn't have the time, and/or the genre didn't appeal to me, and/or I had already heard the artists and could get the vibe from that. You, on the other hand, piqued my interest, and—well, I'm not sold, but I'm far from turned off, and more staggered than anything. Staggering suits this character well, now that we're on the topic, and the mood is by far the strongest thing about this card. I don't mean the mood of the AD, but the whole mood. This character is pretty damn awesome. I don't think it would be a safe idea to go out partying with them, but, y'know, I'd follow them on Rakblr.
I feel that I'm kinda missing the context for where you imagine the gameplay to fit in here. Rakdos gameplay is something that's rather hard to pin down, although having a guy sobering up to eventually pummel you in the face is pretty reasonable. Not that he's the strongest, though, and without that history of -1/-1 counters, I'm left wondering where you're expecting this archetype to go, if anywhere. But is that really the concern of this card? Maybe you're going strictly for mood, and that succeeded immensely. I just wish I didn't have to stop that mood and question it against where the card itself is taking me. Feels like I'm ruining the vibe, y'know?
@real-aspen-hours — Ghouls Gambit "Drink with the Living Dead" by Ghoultown
[Art: a zombie dressed in tattered cowboy attire is sitting at a table, across from a living person. Both have shot their thunder pistols at each other, knocking cards and shot glasses off the table. The human reels back from the shot, while the zombie only gives a skeletal grin as the attack pierces him, to no effect.]
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Was this supposed to be "Ghoul's" or "Ghouls'" with a possessive? Either way, sorry about not having the full spree there, but I haven't found the place to add the [+] for the upper-right on Spree cards. Ah well. It's certainly a functional Spree card, and it's a shame that Unfortunate Accident is also a card here to take that second mode and make it feel slightly more derivative. But deathtouch/indestructible is a perfectly fine way of making combat that much stronger, so yeah, for five mana you can control some interaction. That's worth it for me as a black instant! Not breaking ground necessarily, but it's got what it needs.
Simple cards are then reliant on the strength of their flavor in order to get the point across. Where we land here is the midpoint of having the flavor text not exactly enhancing but not exactly repeating what's being presented via the art. Maybe as a warning or an attribution it could've gone somewhere. Poetically, the warning that's in the song preempts the result (the "would") and as such there might still be an element of surprise. Not so much here, though. I think the quote "Try to match me shot for shot" might have been a better application of the song, honestly, to match both the humor and immediacy. Not a bad connection considering OTJ overall, but I was hoping for slightly more substance.
@sparkyyoungupstart — Fable to Fighter "One Week" by Barenaked Ladies
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In no other Magic timeline could this lyric be applicable. And I actually think it's pretty great here! Do they have movies on Kamigawa yet? I mean, they have cameras and chips, but I don't know for sure about films. I think it's cute enough for me to suspend my disbelief. I'm still a big fan of Kamigawa when I can ignore the turntables and headphones and allow for neon mechanics to be their own form of magical joy. Does that bring me out of this immersion? No, although it's still really clear that the lyrics were what shaped the card and that there was a bit of a forced meshing here. Not a bad meshing, mind! Just a pretty clear point of contact.
As for the ability, historic permanents turning alive also feels pretty cool from a manifestation standpoint. That said, Vengeant Earth is where you want the wording to be: "Target historic permanent you control becomes a 4/4 Samurai creature with first strike in addition to its other types until end of turn." Sometimes you can ignore the "base" stuff, y'know? All depends on precedent. It's a fairly strong effect, I'd say, good for a combat trick, good for combat math. The actual gameplay might not be doing anything particularly crazy, but I loved playing with Historic in limited, and that ticks off a box for me. Having a lot forced into the box of these lyrics is still a bit tongue-in-cheek. Again, I'm smiling as I'm writing this. Take that however ya want.
@tanknspank — Two-Toned Echoes "Who Brings Shadow" by Masayoshi Soken
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I'm slowly learning that the intersection of Final Fantasy enthusiasts and Magic players is a lot stronger than I first realized. As someone with absolutely no connection to the game I'm a little struck by the whole presentation, so that's a good start. Squishing that name into the adventure, on the other hand, is a little forced, and you and I both know that I don't have to tell you twice. Two-Toned Echoes, eh? Look, I'm gonna level with you: it's a weird name for a card. Explicitly referring to Magic's color system in-game has been done before, but there's a reason that it's fallen out of favor, and I think there could've been a little more separation before jumping into this name as a first choice. But, you had to abide by the lyrics, and as far as prismatic things go, I'm willing to envision an adventure-y sensation wherein some figure is leaping over their past and future selves in a rainbow-colored array of joy.
Tumbling Through Time is a fine card by itself as well. Look, overall I think that this card is really good and grokable. What am I hesitant about, then? Something's prodding me, and it may just be the arrangement of lyric and adventure, which IIRC you pointed out in the submission process. "Lost in the Flood" could've been fine—I just checked it, heh—but no, that wasn't what you wanted from this card. Maybe that's just what happened with a few cards from this contest: it's just so apparent when the desire to get the lyrics is evident on the cards, and it's no longer blended together. What does that matter in the end, I suppose? Love trumps immersion. I'm still gonna critique it a bit but only 'cause that's my job.
@wildcardgamez — The Fire "We Didn't Start the Fire" by Billy Joel
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Just so it's out there in front of this, I did note that the title (or part of the title) of the song shouldn't be what the name/flavor took from. Kinda not in the spirit of the lyric contest. But regardless, here we are, and we've got The Fire here. It's living up to its name, I suppose? It's basically "You can cast two spells, but watch out" which really means "Your opponents should only cast one spell each turn." It's an easily contained fire, that's for sure. I don't think it's living up to the legendary stature of its title or its flavor because of that. Maybe it's a sideboard card against combo decks and big spell decks, but I'd hope there would be bounce removal or whatever for it.
I think that you aimed a little too high here for an effect that's far too abstract for what's reasonable. It feels less like you were designing with the lyric in mind and more that you took the song and tried to apply it to the Magic world in an 'epic' way. And that's admirable, but IMO the contest was looking for less macroscopic approaches. Who's the speaker? Is this the effect or a story about the effect? Is there a plane in question? Mystique can bring intrigue, but in this case it's obscuring the larger idea that the card is asking for.
@xenobladexfan — Gunborg, Starnheim Gatekeeper (JUDGE PICK) "Wir fliegen" by Cyua & Hiroyuki Sawano
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I'm trying so hard to picture the epic art that your illustration is going for, and yes, I can absolutely see the valkyrie with their weapons guarding a withered world tree. I'm also a veteran of the Kingdom of Loathing and that's taking over so much of my visual memory right now. But, this isn't about the art, innit? It's about a pretty darn good angel-to-non-angel ratio and having these cards slam in the air. Having even one or two angels makes all the ground attacks and deaths that much better, and I'd like to think that they're talking to another angel in the FT—to the player, even, as a guardian. I like that a lot!
I didn't think "Untap them" should be its own sentence but I guess we have The Fifth Doctor as kinda-precedent. I dunno, seems a little wonky but not that wonky at all. Really, there's not much to actively dislike about this card at all. The name's a lot longer than it needs to be, and "Gunborg" sounds fairly unserious for a serious card, but those a little nitpicks to be fixed in post. You took the lyrics and you fulfilled the prompt in a way that coincided with Magic's multiverse in a pleasant and almost poignant manner. So kudos to you!
@yourrightfulking — Stray from the Path "Ghost Light" by TheFatRat & Everglow
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Let's start with the mechanics here, which are what I like the best. This card should for sure be an uncommon, because a two-mana exile spell, even multicolored, is still quite powerful. Being able to rescue one of your own untapped creatures and/or bounce it is fun too. Really, besides a complexity spike that also justifies this card as uncommon, I think that there's a lot to be intrigued by here! I'm a huge fan of the various UW tempo/control shells, so I'll admit that I'm a little more biased towards these effects personally.
As for how the lyrics/flavor interact, though, I think that I could've used a little bit of context here. Maybe there's a voice that's taking wandering kids or survivors and schwooping them away, where attackers are punished but bystanders aren't? I don't think I have enough information with what you're presenting here to get a clear understanding of what your card is supposed to depict. Conjecture is fine, of course, but I want more than conjecture when it comes to these sorts of things, because I can't really judge my own presumptions. Upping the rarity and giving a little more definition to the showcase could've turned me onto this card as much as I was wanting, all things considered.
And that's that. Phew. Thank you all once more for your cards <3 This was a popular week! @abelzumi
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landofanimes · 5 days ago
My 2024 Anime Watchlist
Anime (and related media) I watched last year
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Sailor Moon Cosmos (2023)
After 10 years Crystal finally comes to an end! The 2-part movie is cool, it gives us an epic streak of final battles in the second part, things feel very grand and it brings emotion. The ending is oh so lovely. Also I was happy to see some things animated for the first time! That said…Most of it goes by too fast, specially in the first movie. Too many beloved characters have limited screentime, which really brings the arc down. I know these are problems from the manga too, but damn…This solidified to me that in the manga/crystal version of events, Dream Arc is more enjoyable. That’s not the case in the 90s anime, which butchered a good chunk of the Dream Arc but has the characters around much longer in Stars (yes I know screentime in a movie is obviously shorter, but still). I think in the end the musicals brings us a good balance of Stars. If only they had included the Sailor Quartet in those myus, they would feel complete. But anyway… this was it. Could Crystal have been better? Yes. Should it have been longer? Yep. But overall? I really enjoyed the whole thing through and I’m happy it was made! Just really wish the last two arcs were seasons instead of movies, but oh well...What a decade!
I watched subbed and dubbed. Brazilian dubs are usually great but a couple choices sadly kinda killed this one, just like in Eternal (somehow I thought this time it was worse but I think it's just that in Eternal I was happy to see it dubbed, since Crystal wasn't). Unless they redub it, I'll stick to the subs.
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Kaleido Star (2003-04)
Sora is a Japanese girls who finally gets to live her dream of working as a trapeze artist on Kaleido Stage, a famous american circus. Every spectacle means new challenges and lots of hard work. But some people want to see her (and even the whole circus) failing...
I used to watch this as a kid! Finally sat down to watch the whole thing, and it’s a great show. It has cool characters and it’s very entertaining to see them training and performing new shows at the circus. However season 2 has some annoying characters, so season 1 is better. Except for the final arc, cause personally I found the end of season 2 much stronger than season 1, it was a great way to end the show (I could see people prefering the s1 ending, it just didn't hit me as hard). There are also a couple of OVAs. The first one is so-so, but the second is pretty cool and it’s a nice second ending.
Watched it dubbed (except for the 2nd OVA since there is no dub)
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Yu Yu Hakusho Stage Plays (2019, 2020)
Picking up from last year's Yu Yu maraton, I've watched the stage plays! First one is really just the beginning: Yusuke dies, comes back as a spiritual detective, and we get the Three Youkai mini arc. We also see Kurama and Hiei's first meeting, like in Two Shots. The second play covers both the 4 Beasts castle and Yukina's rescue (they basically skip the training). Since Kurama and Hiei are not much in the second half, their actors get to play a side character each.
Sadly I don’t think these were very good. Sure, visuals are cool, the characters are well done, and they have their moments, but overall these plays were not it, imo. The bit where they play the opening song with a fighting montage is great though, very entertaining.
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Rurouni Kenshin (1996-98)
Another from my childhood I hadn't seen in full! First two arcs are good, specially the second one (plus you can notice there’s some filler in the first, but it’s ok). Third part diverges from the manga and is mostly anime original stuff - and noticeably much weaker. If I ever rewatch it I'll stick to the first 2.
Watched it dubbed.
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The Apothecary Diaries (2023-)
I had been hearing about it and decided to catch up in January. What a Good series! I was impressed. Maomao is a great character, the court intrigue is a thrill and I’m looking forward for a better understanding between her and Jinshi, and yes, rooting for actual romance. The series got drama, mystery and comedy, it’s great. Happy for the upcoming second season!
Subs cause the dub only came later.
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7th Time Loop Season 1 (2024)
Rishe is stuck in a 5 year time loop that starts at the annulment of her engagement with the prince. No matter what profession and life she lives, it always ends during a war. 5 years into her 6th life she swordfights Emperor Arnold, from the neighbouring country, who is responsible for the war - and is killed by him. In her 7th loop, she soon meets Prince Arnold and he unexpectedely is smitten with her and proposes. After working hard in her previous lives, she is determined to finally relax and hopefully find out more about how the war starts, so she accepts. Ashis fiancée she soon notices Arnold is not completly cold as she expected, wondering what makes him go down that path.
I believe I saw some posts here and then I saw a clip of Rishe dealing with poison and so I decided to watch. I loved it! It was not quite what I was expecting, but rather better. Rishe is a delight and the whole mystery surrounding Arnold’s past and future, which lead them to the war seen in the previous loops, is very intriguing. I’m also captured by Rishe’s past jobs (merchant, harbalist, knight, etc), they’ve made her very resourceful. I really like the court day to day stuff and the drama, and the way she navigates all that. The dynamic of her knowing certain people from past loops but them not knowing her is always intriguing – and we get to know a little more about her this way too. And of course, I love her growing romance with Arnold!
I watched a bunch of dubbed episodes but then I caught up and the subs come faster, so.
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Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End (2023-)
This one seemed to be a fan favorite of the season and well, I can see why…While 7TL and tAD are more my vibe, I can’t overlook Frieren. The way it presents grief, time, connection, and the mortality of people through the eyes of this seemly apathic elf is very touching. It made me cry a few times! It also has cool action. And of course, I can’t resist a good medieval fantasy setting. I’m not versed in rpg but even I can recognize some basic elements, it’s pretty cool.
Watched it dubbed!
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From Studio Ghibli
Only Yesterday (1991) - This one is pretty slow, contemplative. It’s also a little boring imo... I can see its value, but it’s not really for me. Subs cause there is no dub.
The Cat Returns (2002) - I didn’t intend to watch this one but changed my mind at some point. It’s pretty fun! Not sure what I expected but it wasn’t this haha I quite liked it!! Subs cause there is no dub.
The Tale of the Princess Kaguya (2013) - This is a pretty long one, and the different artstyle threw me off at first, I thought I might not like it... I finally got  to watch it though, and not only it is not boring, but it is visually very pretty. It could have ranked high but I didn’t vibe with the ending, so. I could see it being other people’s favorite though. Watched it dubbed.
Earwig and the Witch (2020) - This one’s got a bad reputation but I thought it was fine. Like sure, this 3D animation did not capture that Ghibli charm, but the character design does seem on point and I thought it  had an interesting setting. Overall I liked it, even though the ending is rather anticlimactic. Things shift abruptly and are over soon after, leaving some stuff unresolved too (I imagine there would be a sequel). It was still entertaining though. Watched it dubbed.
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The Boy and the Heron (2023)
I think this was the first time I watched a Ghibli movie in cinemas! It’s a good film. Not among my Ghibli favorites, but it would rank in the upper half. I'm sure it's other people’s favorite. I think the relationship with the stepmom could have been better developed, but it's still cool. The crazy, whimsical world kinda reminded me of Spirited Away at times. It's got that Miyazaki balance of weird and wonder, with a rather unique mythology and intriguing characters.
I wanted to watch it dub but there were limited screenings and the day I went had only subs.
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Buddy Daddies (2023)
A duo of assassins with very different backgrounds and personalities are sent to kill a criminal. The mission is accomplished, they just didn't expect him to have a little daughter. Now they have to figure out how to take care of a child.
I heard good things about this one - and I loved it! I wish it had been longer, I believe it could easily fill 20 something episodes, but oh well… The trio is very endearing, their dynamics are great.
Subs cause no dub.
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Yona of the Dawn Season 1 (2014-15)
Princess Yona has to flee her castle with her chidlhood friend/bodyguard Hak after her beloved cousin, Soo-Won murders her father. While searching for the four legendary dragon warriors to help them reclaim the kingdom, Yona finds out her people have been suffering for years, and feels it is her duty to help them.
I was honestly surprised to see this series is already TEN years old. I remember people talking about it but I didn't remember it had been this long? Maybe I heard of it afterwards? Maybe not…Anyway. This series is great. I didn’t expect it to be so good. It’s an epic (east asian) medieval fantasy! It’s got drama, adventure, action, and I’m looking forward to the romantic plot development with Hak. It’s cool to see Yona growing from sheltered princess to a warrior. I’m honestly shocked they never made a second season, like, wtf. Fortunately they’ve started selling the manga in here, and I’ve been following it! Good stuff. I wish I could watch the plays, but specially the musical. Oh, I'm saving the OVAs for when I reach the respective manga chapters.
Subs cause no dub
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Snow White with the Red Hair Seasons 1-2 (2015-16)
This one is also medieval fantasy, has plenty of drama, and while it does have action and adventure, it’s not so much in the epic side - it’s more…mundane? I mean sure, it’s got court intrigues, swordfights, and there’s a kidnapping at one point and whatnot… But the vibes are more on the quieter, lovelier side? It’s cool to see Shirayuki’s journey in becoming a great herbalist while Zen trains in his princely duties and how they both fight to be together despite the obstacle of their different status (something which worries Zen's older brother and other influential people). Their friends also form a cool cast. Wish there were more seasons, but the ones we got are good. I’m not even mad at the misleading title cause the only reason I remembered its existence and watched it was because years ago I saw there was a Snow White anime. Alas, this has close to nothing to do with Snow White, but it’s so good I don’t even care. 
Subs cause no dub
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Spy x Family - Code: White (2023)
Yes it’s filler but it’s fun! Plus it's not like Spy x Family plot moves fast anyway... So here we got a little winter trip in search of a recipe (for the Mission!!!) turned into a crazy kidnapping and rescue as Loid and Yor separately go after Anya…it’s action-packed, whacky and fun! It’s Spy x Family!!! There are also a couple of cute Twiyor/family moments, which I love, of course. It’s a good pastime. Bring me season 3!
Watched it dubbed at the cinema!
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A Sign of Affection Season 1 (2024)
A lovely show! It’s about the daily life of a deaf college-age girl, and her new romance with a guy who loves to travel, and how her world expands when meeting him and other people in college. I think most school settings stories I see are in high school or middle school so this is a nice change.
Watched it dubbed
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Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury (2022-23)
People talked so much about this one I had to give it a go. The only Gundam series I had contact with before was Gundam Wing (watched some assorted episodes as a kid), so I thought that would be the first one I watched in full, but I still haven't done it, oops. And now I’ve seen Gundam Witch! Intriguing developments and characters! Deals with some serious issues, which apparently is an usual Gundam thing. It has some cool dynamics and the queer romance is cute, it has a good arc. The show is not quite my jam, so not a favorite, but it’s a good show, felt solid.
Watched it dubbed
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My Happy Marriage (2023-)
Miyo lives in a Cinderella situation until she is engaged to Kyoka, a rich guy with a bad reputation… In a society where powerful  families have superpowers, she’s got none, so her family wants to get rid of her…The poor thing lives with no affection and the guy is desensitized to previous fiancées chasing his status, but then he sees that’s not the case and is decided to treat her well AND to stand up to her family. Oh, and it’s got an historical setting. Also Kyoka is part of the special forces which fight evil spirits or something. He controls elements. I gotta say I was not expecting that kind of action in a Cinderella-esque story, ha! It was a good addition. It's kinda tough to see Miyo so meek, but it's key to see she is not magically cured after the engagement, she still struggles from the abuse of her family, but with help, little by little she gains more confidence, which is lovely to see. She also finds her own way of helping Kyoka herself, the end of the season really brings it up. I don't think it's gonna be a favorite of mine, but it IS good. Season 2 incoming!
Watched it dubbed
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My Happy Marriage Movie aka As Long as We Both Shall Live (2023)
The movie is basically a compressed version of what we see in season 1. As such, it is definitely inferior to the animated version, but it’s okay...Like, it has its moments but overall it doesn't hit the same. I would say it has all the important bits of the first half of the season, but a lot of the second half is lost.
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Shaman King: Flowers Season 1 (2024)
I was entertained, I wanted to see more of the kids and their dynamics (and more of their parents), and I wish they would continue it…But I don't know, it's got some odd choices. Granted, it's a short season, if it had been longer it might have been more charming/intriguing. For example, Ren's son is the last to join so we don't see a lot of him, which is a shame. I also thought it was going to be a complete story but turns out the Flowers manga was continued in Super Star, and the season we got was really just Flowers…Also I still think it would have been a better investment to use the money to improve on the Shaman King remake, but anyway. I wonder if they will ever continue it.
Watched it dubbed
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Saint Seiya: Knights of the Zodiac Season 3 (2024)
This was about the same level as season 2 I guess. It was cool but still not even close to the original series. It has its moments, but parts of it are too quick, there’s a lack of stronger soundtracks to enhance the scenes, etc. The original content was interesting enough, but we had so little time it would have been better to use it on canon events... or at least parts of it. I would watch more if they made it but it seems they’re going to stop this version in this arc – and I get it, like I said, its really not as good as it should/could be. I’m glad they finished it though, it would have been a bummer to see the arc only halfway done. I hope we don’t have to wait too many years until a new saint seiya anime…also I wonder what it will be.
Watched it dubbed
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Delicious in Dungeon (2024-)
Everybody couldn’t shut up about it so I had to watch it XD yes, yes, it’s good! Well made rpg-esque medieval fantasy setting. It’s got plenty of comedy, and the story is pretty different from the usual stuff… It wasn’t until things started to get serious that it really got me though, like halfway through the season. From what I’ve heard, it should be done by season 2. I'll be there to watch it!
Watched it dubbed
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Sailor Moon: Musical Festival Chronicle (2022)
Finally could watch this one, yay!!! Story-wise it's not really impressive, but then again this one is more of a celebration of myu history than anything else. Cool to see the old numbers back, lovely to see Satomi’s guest appearance and, of course, the BANDAI MYU team, hooray!!!! Oh and we could see more of Riona’s Mamoru too! Since The Super Live full recording was never released, we don’t have much of that, so this is nice.
I honestly thought this would be the end of the myu/moon renaissance, but after the announcement of the long run of the new Super Live in London, I'm not so sure! But alright, let's not get ahead of ourselves...
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Ranma ½ (2024-)
Ranma’s return!!!! Its been rather fun to follow Ranma and Akane’s shenanigans again. I’m glad I watched the og anime a few years ago!!! I hope they get to adapt the manga until the end this time (I’ve never read it myself). Waiting for season 2!!!
Watched it dub (I’m so happy Netflix got the cast back!!!)
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c0rps3gr1nd3r · 1 year ago
Songs that remind me of Metalocalypse characters with bad explanations
The lyrics might be separated wrong. I saw this format like two years ago and couldn't think of a better way to separate these😭
Nathan: As snow falls // On desert skies // Until the end of everything // I'm tryin, I'm tryin // To let you know // How much you mean // As days fade // And nights grow // And we grow cold - Demolition Lovers, My Chemical Romance
This might be a stretch so hear me out. I chose this because of his inability to express emotions verbally. "I'm tryin to let you know how much you mean" holds to him because he'd need to push himself to vomiting before getting out an apology, let alone telling a person that they mean a lot to him. He might have done something like that before but I can't recall, and I haven't seen Army of The Doomstar yet so he might do it there.
Toki: You're just a boy // You are no man and // Nobody you know will understand - Things To Do, Alex G
I think about him when I hear this because of the age regression. This might be a problematic take, and I hope it isn't, but that aspect is the most noted part of him by many people. Whether it be because they hate it or are insanely excited to have representation of someone like them. The "Nobody you know will understand" is sort of an exaggeration of how many people don't understand age regression.
Skwisgaar: En tid styrd av mörker och krig // 
En legend beskriver ett lejon // Den besten tar form av en man // Med en dröm att den skall bli sann (A time of religion and war //legends tell the tale of a lion //This beast in the shape of a man // with a dream to rule sea and land)
I don't think this just because it's in Swedish I swear😭. I think this because I feel like he's a big legend guy. I can imagine little Skwisgaar in the library reading about legends while he knows his mom is "busy."
Murderface: So how do I apologize // And put the tears back in your eyes // On every canvas that I paint // Is a masterpiece of my mistakes - Masterpiece, Motionless In White
I think this one because actually idk why. If i had to pick an alternate for him, it would be in Disfigured by Cannibal Corpse. I think that song is more like him because of the whole "ugly" thing.
Pickles: Happy, are you sad? // Wanna shoot your dad // I'll do anything I can // It's the wrong way - Wrong Way, Sublime
This one was chosen bc of the obvious family issues. Every time Pickles is shown with his family it's obvious how much they hate each other. By "each other" I mean Pickles hating everyone, yet his brother and mom having a good connection. I also just think of Pickles as a whole when I hear this song.
Charles: Sweetness, Sweetness // I was only joking when I said I'd like to // Smash every tooth in your head // Sweetness, sweetness // I was only joking when I said // By rights you // Should be Bludgeoned in your bed - Bigmouth Strikes Again, The Smiths
This one was hard to think of because Charles doesn't have much of emotion that I pick up on. I decided on this one since he's always with a metal band that write some pretty brutal shit. I wouldn't be surprised if the violence accidentally seeped into his daily life. That would make talking to a potential lover like this, and having to calm them down. This is kinda bs bc he prolly doesn't want or need a relationship, but idc I love explaining my bullshit.
Abigail: Well, it'll take more than a fancy trip // Or a chauffeured limousine // Cause I ain't never seen no one // Who can give me loving like this // The other fellows don't compare // To the right stuff - The Right Stuff, Vanessa Williams
I don't have much of an explanation for this, other than the fact that Dethklok's fame wasn't enough to shake her and yata yata yata idk where i was goin with this😭
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cringelordofchaos · 5 months ago
(for"sendacharacterandilllist"askgame) DREWWWWWWWWWWWWW
ok so drew !!!
favorite thing about them
everything. But if I had to choose then maybe his attachment issues or those little spiky strane of hair above one of his ears
least favorite thing about them
just the fact that his backstory is not revealed yet. Like I hope the whole "he has family issues and feels detached from them making him have a complicated and toxic view kn relationships as well as attachment issues" headcanon ks revealed to be canon otherwise, if he's acting the way he is just bc he does, then he makes for a pretty boring character no matter how "realistic" it would be (which it kinda wouldn't but whatever that's a separate discussion). so yeah like the lack of traits rather than the traits themselves ig. Though rosyclozy said season 2 is druffering 2 so I am EXCITED
dria. draisy. dracy. idfk which I should pick. endless possibilities. and they all parallel each other in one way or another and I fucking love them platonically but I'm not interested in them romantically if I'm gonna be honest. they'd all fix him
this is so unfathomably predictive and obvious of me but Drake/PlumPeach like come on a) I relate to Drew's "I'm in love with my best friend but they can't know and they're in love with someone else" situation heavily,there are endless analyses to be made and written, endless fic potential, SO MANY songs about breakups that just Fit Them, they make each other worse and also interesting characters. Someone once called me an abuse apologist that should never date anyone because I shipped them? LMAO. that was like 3/2 years ago though. without drake drew just like... wouldnt have character. Which says a lot. Second OTP is HOT TAKE droey. I made a whole fucking post abt them please don't @ me o can explain themselves - also droey angst. Also they're complicated af as well. But they are also pretty annoying so I'm not sure lmao. Dria rules too but prefer it platonic
Idk drelliot .?? It's so unfathomably cliche and stereotypical toxic yaoi material and I hate it but I also think it's funny so idk I don't really have notps unless it's siblings or bad age gaps cuz they make me uncomfortable
random headcanon
do I have to share only one? I want more so I'll do more. I think he's Filipino, he had one of those glow in the dark shoes in elementary school and flexed them HARD, he has major depressive disorder and maybe borderline personality disorder, he hyperfixates on video games, listens to mostly emo rap, spends most of his time inside during summer, gets a new iphone every year, cyberbullies little kids on roblox, also still plays roblox, gets expensive watches just to flex and also bc he measures his worth by wealth his parents give him bc that's the only love they show him LMAO, and thinks furries and weebs are cringe, and also i love him
unpopular opinion
he actually loved/loves zoey
song I associate with them
ok how about I drop my whole playlist for them instead
Alex G - Nintendo 64
Amy Winehouse - Back To Black
Annika Bennett - Boy Who Has Everything
Billie Eilish - Wish U Were Gay
BoyWithUke - Toxic
Conan Gray - Heather
DoshVO - Dear Jake
DoshVO - Do You Wanna Bully Hailey?
DoshVO - Like a Six "Zoey Diss"
DoshVO - Move Along
ElyOtto - SugarCrash!
Fran Vasilić - eyes blue or brown can't remember
5 Seconds Of Summer - Teeth
Gotye - Somebody That I Used To Know
Jack Stauber - Cupid
Kaden Mackay - Don't You Dare (Make Me Fall In Love With You)
Kali Uchis - Just A Stranger
Laufey - From The Start
Laufey - Promise
Laufey - Second Best
Liana Flores - papercut
Mitski - Old Friend
Olivia Rodrigo - drivers license
Olivia Rodrigo - traitor
Olivia Rodrigo - vampire
Regina Spektor - Two Birds On A Wire
Rex Orange County - Best Friend
Rex Orange County - Sunflower
Rex Orange County - Television / So Far So Good
Steven Universe - It's Over Isn't It
The Front Bottoms - Be Nice To Me
The Vaccines - Heartbreak Kid
The Walters - I Love You So
...wow. I really thought I had more - whatever, more to be added w time, dw
Also the song "you better move on" I have no idea who made it ???????? I just listened to the cover by Frank Wattkinson lmao
favorite picture of them
ooof this one's heard. I mean hard. shut up
ok ok so I like this one .
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cuz he's just done with him. looks angry but probably suppressing his years so fucking much. leaving Jake behind after such struggle and effort to keep him... dam (and it also shows their height difference lmfao)
Or one of these !!
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Another ones from the finale, he's just laughing and smiling from the sheer pain he's in and the utter irony that is his friendship with Jake and he's so hurt but he's probably doing this to keep himself from crying but he's also probably just laughing at how pathetic he is for trusting Jake or believing that they really had something when it all turned out to be a huge lie and he just can't believe in himself or anyone anymore
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this one's just him being jelly like eurgj. 😠😒
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this one's a funny reaction image concept
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and I also love this one cuz like, first of all lol at his eyebags he's either been crying or not getting any sleep or BOTH, he'd also in a call with Zoey trying to get him back and he's just looking at the side like he's mad at her and he's hurt by her but he also looks like he's trying so hard to resist idk how to explain it man he can't deal with her but he can't deal without her yknow what I mean
Thank you for asking !!!!!!
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toonqueen · 1 year ago
Duckvember Day 22: Loved Duck
I was gonna try to draw Gene and Faris looking cute on a motorcycle but I have failed. I’ll try later maybe. Instead I picked a song from each of my shipping playlists. SOME CHARS I don’t have a full shipping playlist for them but I have shipping songs on their character playlist if that makes sense lol.  TUMBLR will only let me post 10 links at a time so I will reblog this with more links and info. Next part coming in a second!
Duck Revenger  x Alpha (Nega Donald and Nega Uno)
So I have a headcanon for Negaverse Donald and Alpha would still kinda be heroes. But of course, being the Negaverse, they have more edgy drama. Also Uncle Scrooge is evil and they have to deal with that. 
Duke L’Orange x OC Gallery 
Gallery belongs to @fluxchix
This is actually from a playlist I made for a story that took place wayyy in the future where Gallery is resurrected by magic and Duke’s been alive for a good thousand years (also because of magic.) LOOK it’s a long story. There was space travel and mysteries it was great okay. 
AND THEN here’s a normal shipping song I always think of them with: 
Faustina (OC for Ducktales/Darkwing)
GOD her shipping playlist just has so many good songs in it to pick one is hard. It’s not having her shipped with anyone in particular just how she does relationships lolol. Lot of the songs make her sound worse than she really is I swear. >_>  Two for her
Also this song this has gore:
Non Gore version: 
Fethry x Poe (Ducktales 2017)
So I ship these two for my headcanons for 87/comic blend universe. Poe and Fethry in that universe don’t start being an item until Magica and Gladstone have been together for awhile. I don’t really have a playlist for that ship because there isn’t really any drama to it to have a playlist lololol. For 2017 I have Poe being an active villain so of course more dramaaa. This playlist has a lot of Raven based songs but the main one I picked to show is just a nice angst with a twist ha.
Gene x Djinn
Oh lawd I’ve been trying to fill their shipping play list for more happy songs because MOST of their story is happy. It’s just easy to find songs for when that ONE bad thing happens. (*cough* Merlock *cough.)
Grimstone (Nega Gladstone) x OC Sheldrake Netta
My headcanon for Nega Gladstone is up to stuff with @cataradical OC’s Sheldrake. But they are both bastards so their playlist is full of bastard love songs. 
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eternitas · 4 months ago
Lou, I think you alr know who I'm sending this for 🤣🤣 Ava and Dima, let's goo!!!
If your character had a breakout show/film/comic, what would the plot be? Who would be in their supporting cast?
What do you think the fandom for your character would be like? Are they a fan favorite, a love to hate villain, derided for whatever reason, or something else?
Ava: Be honest. What song is playing over an AMV/tiktok of scenes between your character and their love interest?
Dima: If your character isn’t designed for shipping/isn’t interested in shipping, how hard does fandom have to mangle them to make them shipping material/open to a relationship?
Ask Meme
Thank you so much for sending these in these are so incredibly fun to answer! I know Dima isn't exactly "known" to the public but it's still so much fun to talk about him! I might actually just post his profile after all who knows!
This got quite long so I put it under a read more!
If your character had a breakout show/film/comic, what would the plot be? Who would be in their supporting cast?
Ava Oooohohoho, so I am that kinda loser that likes to imagine videos to music when I am out and about. You know what else I love? Ono Kenshos voice, who is Kuroko Tetsuyas VA and also my voice claim for Ava (considering he used to have Kuroko as inspiration and it fit so well). Ono Kensho has a few pretty cool songs and imagining them as insert songs in a movie is an absolutely fantastic way of spending my time. I have def thought of all four Squad 4 members having a solo movie each, which ofc includes Ava. In it Ava finds a letter adressed to his brother on his desk (Ava and Ser often clean up Squalos desk, because he tends to take over work that isn't his and then they yank it to do it for him). It's a challenge letter to a swordsmaster showdown. Ava, being a bit of a hothead sometimes, goes to accept the letter, which obviously was a trap. ( @dontknow-willaddlater Asari would def make a cameo bc ofc that idiot would fall for it). To be quite fair I haven't gotten through WHY or what exactly the trap is, only that def almost ends in a massacre and ofc Squalo and Squad 4 move out to help Ava picking up Yamamoto, Ryohei, Tsuna and Gokudera along the way. And while as series MC Tsuna still gets the last last hit, Ava gets the final battle. And since I've mentioned it: this is the insert song because I am a loser
Dimitri I think Dimitri is the type of character that tends to blow up and be super popular. But unlike the main cast I doubt it would be a movie, more like an inbetween OVA that maybe highlights how Dimitri and Rena met and become close. Maybe a very specific instance of him saving and protecting her. I also could see Dimitri be very popular in Drama CDs. Even if he doesn't appear often, he would likely have a really popular and talented VA and there are enough small stories where he can be added to. But he probably mostly gets shown with either Gokudera or Rena, maybe even Sergey as those are the people he has most likely interactions with, though having him be paired with unlikely people like maybe Ryohei would also be interesting.
What do you think the fandom for your character would be like? Are they a fan favorite, a love to hate villain, derided for whatever reason, or something else?
Ava Ava would be a fan favourite, but def also for that reason victim of uwu babyfication. Too many such cases, but Ava would def have the people who hate Lorenzo for being "abusive" and being harcore Yamava shippers and those who treat him like rice, because uwu baby small bean, when Ava is so much more. Def also people who dable into sharkcest and it makes discussing the dynamic between Ava and Squalo all the more complicated. Overall though he would be liked I believe. Features a lot in fillers and other media, def often in collaborations. I though however also think there is a very very vocal small part that can't stand him, because he is an "uwu small bean baby" ("Stop calling me that.") and makes everything unserious. He is so obnoxious, has only his tea and sword gimmik and is as deep as a puddle! No substance! Fucking cracker! You'd def not be able to go into his tag without all kinds of ship art. He's also a fave when it comes to drawing new "draw your blorbo in this" challenges. I could also see him stirr up gender drama, considering he does the whole crossdressing killer thing, but I'll leave it here.
Dimitri Definitely Hibari type fan fave in my eyes. It's that devotion, that emotionless non chalant side of him and the soft spot he has only for Rena. Also def always drawn and portrayed very pretty and elegant. He is a hearthrob and every small Dima lore is being eaten up. Def has some of the most requests on imagines blogs. Also v big with the yandere girlies. Also could see him as the mole in collabs and artworks. You know how the Varia are always in pictures even though-- WTF ARE YOU DOING THERE? SIR? Yeah that would happen a lot with Dima I believe. Lurking in the shadows to not be seen? Nah not with the merch staff. There is definitely a very vocal part that would be really upset over his fate in the Cosmos Energy Arc, and when he reappears in the Flame Children Arc its one of those "oh tumblr crashed" days, because all the girlies go fucking ham over him being back WITH A HAIRCUT TOO.
Be honest. What song is playing over an AMV/tiktok of scenes between your character and their love interest?
Ava Oh boy you ask me this when I JUST tried to write some LORAVA and had one single song on repeat all the time. I am unfortunately not every versed when it comes to music especially newer, but when it comes to Lorava I could see Kiss Me Slowly and for the weebs One Of Repetition, I can't really think of anything for other ships with him.
If your character isn’t designed for shipping/isn’t interested in shipping, how hard does fandom have to mangle them to make them shipping material/open to a relationship?
Dima I don't think imagines blogs or selfshippers are ever deterred from a character being canonically unavailable for them. It would definitely cause stirr among people, because he is canonically aroace and it could spark some "aroace erasure" discussions. I think he'd still be shipped by some people with Rena, Dera, Sergey and Anatoli (yes really, Renas dad and his superior), but some just enjoy that there is a character who can have meaningful relationships without it being sexual or romantic. Some argue that after the Lock Release in the Flame Children Arc he might have changed to being grey or just highly demi but since there is no confirmation it's definitely not widely accepted. (Personally the idea that someone would write Dima as putting anyone else over Rena makes me almost cringe, because he'd never, that is just not his character. He is the Hayato type, his one person of protection and respect is always top priority, sorry.) But yeah I could still see people trying their hardest to make him shipable.
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ghosts-and-blue-sweaters · 4 months ago
11, 20, and 21! :D
Answering for my Ghostbur-centric modern AU :D Hi, Pinestripe!!
Is there any relationship that's different in this au than in the source material?
YES! Ghostbur & Dream, most absolutely! They are brothers in this fic! Step-brothers, to be precise; they met when Ghostbur was 16 and Dream was 14, when Ghostbur’s mother + Dream’s dad got together. Ghostbur & Dream quickly became very close, and they love each other a whole lot.
It’s been… strange, writing these two in This kind of relationship! Canonically, c!Dream and c!Ghostbur didn’t interact very much. They were never close at all, and Dream was the one who killed Ghostbur for crying out loud.
I’m not too sure why my brain came up with the idea of making them brothers, but DUDE I’ve been having some of the most fun writing them + figuring out their messy brotherly relationship. Dream & Ghostbur love each other deeply, but their relationship is not healthy. It’s been so interesting to think about.
Tommy is also in this fic, and he and Ghostbur are brothers (which is pretty much how they were canonically) but… Tommy is four years old in this fic :) He is simply so tiny. And Ghostbur is about 23 so there is a Big age gap. It’s so freakin cute 😭 Ghostbur is trying so hard to be a good older brother (and sort of a parent as well, because Tommy’s bio-parents aren’t in the picture so Ghostbur’s mainly the one caring for him) and he loves Tommy to the moon and back and Tommy loves him more than anyone else and GAH!!
Dream & Tommy are also brothers!! Dream is around 21 years old, so there’s quite a big age gap for them too. Dream loves & cares about Tommy a lot, but there’s a sort of distance between them. The truth of the matter is that if Dream had to choose between Tommy and Ghostbur, he would choose Ghostbur without hesitation. He doesn’t love Tommy as much, and even though Tommy is only four, he can definitely pick up on that. That’s why Ghostbur is Tommy’s favorite brother lol
Share THREE headcanons! But about different characters.
Dream has really bad panic attacks. They’re debilitating and scary, and if he doesn’t have Ghostbur around to help him calm down, then things get Real bad. Ghostbur is very very good at calming Dream down though :’)
Ghostbur is a librarian :D He loves his job so so much oh my gosh. He never wants to do anything else for a living; he simply loves being a librarian That Much. It’s quiet and there’s So many books and he loves getting to chat with the people who check books out and!! He loves his job!!
Eret is also a librarian :) He and Ghostbur work together! Eret’s not a main character in this story by any means, he’ll only show up a little bit, but he’s friendly & nice, and he also enjoys his job! He and Ghostbur get along quite well :)
[bonus answer because I just remembered it and I think you’ll really like it] Dream & Ghostbur ran away from home as teenagers (for complicated reasons) and while they were trying to figure things out, they ended up going into a church because it was cold outside and they didn’t exactly have anywhere else to go to for shelter. When they walked inside, there was a guy on the stage playing “Blown Away” on an acoustic guitar, singing for the congregation. Ghostbur had never really done church or religion at all before, and he didn’t think about it much, but he really really liked hearing that song. He was disappointed when Dream decided to leave, because he wanted to stay inside and hear that song play over and over and over again.
What makes you most excited about this fic?
Oooh… hm. Honestly… kinda all of it? It’s been a really long time since I’ve been this excited about a fic of mine. I’m pretty sure the last time I got this excited & happy was last September! It was also for a Ghostbur modern AU lol
But yeah, I’m pretty excited about this whole AU :D The characters have been super fun to work with, I’m loving their backstories, I think the plot is compelling, and GHOSTBUR!!! Ghostbur in general!!!
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invinciblerodent · 5 months ago
Arvid, Ray and Iona ❤
Oooh, yay!
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I've kind of been thinking a bit about Arvid's relationship with his mother, honestly. That's not a very "fun" fact lol, but it is probably important for his post-game character development, that he essentially meets his birth mother, Gemria, for the first time at his wedding.
I like to think about how their relationship might turn out post-game, because, well, it's not like they're going to be close (I think in general he's going to feel closer to Morena, if anything), but just exchanging the occasional letter and being courteous, friendly with one another will do a lot in helping the both of them feel more at peace with each other.
And for something cute, although I do love Gale just dropping to his knees for every kiss, I like to think that Arvid is a very considerate boy, and kisses the back of his husband's hand more often than he'd request a "real" kiss when they're just out and about. (He gets a forehead smooch back, it's all good. Hoping that Gale's back won't suffer the same fate as his knees.)
...... also I'm currently listening to a semi-new-to-me song I have as an Arvid-theme contender right now, and it's really hitting me just right in the club tonight
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There is SO MUCH in my head still about Ray, it's hard to even pick lol
let's see... one of my favorite little things about him is that I kind of made him, in a not super noticeable way, sort of partly fantasy-Hungarian- and I tried reflecting that in his speech as I was writing for him by taking Hungarian sayings and common phrases, and translating them word for word. That gave me things like "only oxen drink in solitude" (as an invitation to share a drink) and "to stare a wolf in the eye" (to stare unblinking at something/someone) and "I've a nail in my head about it" (i've an idea, I've been thinking about sthg), and other kinda folksy-sounding phrases that don't really exist in English as far as I'm aware, but it works for him.
He's my big lummox of a man with the smiling eyes, and the clever tongue, and the absolutely fascinatingly buck wild use of language sometimes, and I continue to love him to bits. god please let him be okay in veilguard please please please
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ooh she angy in this one let's fix that
Iona is another one where I have just so many little thoughts that I can't decide what to talk about...
A cute thing I've been microwaving in my head, again mostly for the late- or post-game portions is that Iona would, over time, develop a small habit of indicating honesty by gently placing Astarion’s hand over her heart so he can feel its pace, knowing that that’s not something that one can possibly fake. (With the both of them having a history in lying even to one another, this is a gesture that they don’t really speak about, but one that he would nevertheless appreciate.) (Also, it's a titty in his hand. Of course he appreciates it.)
She’s also a frequent face-toucher (good god i've written her cradling his jaw/cheek so many times by now), and enjoys tracing his features with the very tips of her fingers- which somewhat also lets him “see” himself through her eyes, even after the death of the tadpole.
He might ask her to describe what she’s doing, as a very soft, intimate form of connection that makes use of her strength in using words.
When in a sappy sort of mood, she’ll sometimes settle on his lap, and trace his lips, describing how charming she finds the slight unevenness of his top lip, or trace a finger to the corner of his eye and describe how much she loves the way they crinkle when he looks at her so warmly.
Because I'm a sap and as much as I love them being tragic and weird and dealing with their respective shit, I also love them being soft and gentle with each other's fragile little hearts okay just let me have this
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wordynerdygurl · 2 years ago
Someone to Watch Over Me
Part 1:  “Love is Blind”
Author’s Note:  Do you think the Duffer’s realized what they were doing when they brought Eddie Munson to life on paper?  I don’t think so.  Because it’s been, what, nine or so months now, and I’m still all in on my favorite ne’er do well metal head.
This is my first time with an Original Character standing in for “reader”.  Just like with my reader insert fics, our OC is female and plus size. Pairing:  Eddie Munson x Plus Size OC Amanda Patterson Summary:  It’s love at first sound, pitch perfect and fated, everything in harmony.  If only life were a love song.  
Amanda and Eddie meet by chance but their connection is real.  Some night music and milkshakes maybe all it takes to show that Hawkins’ resident bad boy is worthy of love.  The kind of love a misfit like Amanda is ready to give to the right guy.  Have they each found the right someone to watch out for them? Warnings:  This is a slower burn than my usual, but I think it’ll be worth it.  There will be SMUT in additional chapters, but for now, there’s making out, eating a lot of junk food, some size shaming and self doubt.  Oh, and a character gets slapped.
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“There’s a saying old, says that love is blind”
“So, Eddie, how’s the tour been going?”
Pulling a long strand of dark hair over his cheek, a nervous habit he couldn’t seem to break, Eddie raised his dark eyes to the reporter asking the questions, ignoring the video camera and boom mic hovering overhead.  It took everything in him to keep the sarcastic edge in his tone to a minimum, “Well, Chuck, it’s been a helluva time.  Me and the boys, we’re just taking what comes.  It’s been fuckin’ amazing to see so many cities and of course, our fans.” “Oopsie!  Can’t curse like that, Eddie.  Can we cut around that?”  Chuck was asking some producer, talking over Eddie’s head, ignoring him all in the name of being appropriate for television.  Already he was over this whole experience.  What Eddie really wanted was to get back to the green room, have a beer or a smoke- scratch that.  And a smoke, before having to play tonight’s show.
The conversation around editing was still happening, Eddie’s interview on pause.  It gave him a minute to evaluate the man asking the questions.  Smarmy, yea, that’s the word Eddie would use for a guy like Chuck.  Hair slicked back and suit a little too colorful to be classy, the guy was cheesy as hell, but he was going to film a piece about the band.  Something for MTV to use in promos or some shit.  Eddie didn’t really care to know.  There were people for that now.  The same people who kept assuring him that there was no such thing as bad publicity.  Not when there was a nationwide tour that needed to sell tickets and t-shirts and records, so he bit his tongue and smiled sheepishly, waiting for the next question. “We rolling?  Great.  Ok, ready Eddie?” Nodding in answer, Eddie gave him the green light.  The interviewer tapped his finger against the skinny microphone in his hand, picking up seamlessly from where they had stopped earlier, “That’s good to hear.  Now, Corroded Coffin plays specifically metal but who has influenced your musical journey?  Which artists do you listen to?” Blowing out an exhale, his lips parting, Eddie thought for a minute.  “Ya know, all the greats Chuck.  I mean, I cut my teeth on Led Zeppelin.  Heart, Black Sabbath, obviously-” he rolled his eyes for emphasis, “-Iron Maiden and Metallica.  You play metal music and I’m there, man.” Chuck nodded along, agreeing with everything coming out of Eddie’s mouth, trying way too hard to seem interested.  He seemed more like a Madonna kinda guy, too caught up in the look of something to worry about its substance.  It grated on Eddie’s nerves, set his teeth on edge. “Gotcha.  So, the people want to know-” Chuck drug out the question, clearly enjoying the way he baited his interviewee, “-What is Eddie Munson’s favorite song?” Toffee colored eyes widened.  Despite the movement around him, the roadies hauling in speakers and gear, the conversations between stage crew and security guards, the clicking of boot heels on parquet flooring, Eddie could hear it.  His favorite song.  Clear and distinct, the memory a perfectly preserved bubble of sight and sound.  From over his shoulder someone coughed, bringing Eddie back to the here and now.  “Uh, sorry.  Didn’t mean to zone out there.” “Don’t worry, we’ll edit it out.”  Chuck’s hand made a motion urging him to continue. Eddie’s ring laden right hand rubbed across the skin on the back of his neck, internally debating just how real to be with his response.  In the end, Eddie told the whole truth.  He spilled one of his deeply held secrets to a douche bag with gelled back hair and a smile that was too much teeth. Looking directly into the bubbled lens of the video camera, Eddie offered up a reluctant, almost embarrassed smile, “My favorite song?  That’s a great question, man.  And, uh, ya know, I wanna say something hard rocking and fast.  But honestly?  Someone to Watch Over Me by the Gershwin brothers.” Eddie’s voice was practically a whisper at his admission.  He was ready for a ribbing.  A hard rocker like him, known for bad boy behavior and leaving a lady behind in every city?  No way Eddie Munson could possibly be a romantic at heart, right? Fully expecting a laugh from smarmy Chuck, some jab about the softness of his choice, or a comment on it being a standard, something old fashioned or behind the times.  But Eddie only heard the insipid agreement of the interviewer, “Great song.  A classic.” “Yea.  It is.”
It had always come naturally to Amanda.  She opened her mouth and the sound just came out, warm and round, with the right amount of inflection and sweetness of tone.  Singing was what she did.  From the time she could talk, Amanda was making music, using her body as the instrument. Church choir taught her how to sight read sheet music, her voice moving up and down the scale in time with the half and quarter notes.  Learning how to let her high Soprano melt in with the other members of the chorus so that no individual could be heard over another.  Discovering the power of dynamics; an effective hushed line that built into a climaxing crescendo, the rush of belting out a powerful note with all of the choir members doing the same.  Amanda continued to discover the best ways to utilize her voice, really only ever happy when she was humming or whistling or belting out a tune. One Christmas there was a tawny wooden guitar under the tree.  She carried it with her everywhere she could.  Teaching herself the chords from a beginner’s guide until she could play “Frosty the Snowman” without stopping.  And her unquestionable love of music grew with every new song she memorized until the entire book had faded from overuse. There were high school musicals, of course.  Grease, Annie, Guys and Dolls, Anything Goes.  And even if she was always the sidekick with no solo, hanging around in the back of the chorus lines, she loved performing.  Being on a stage, with the lights and excitement, the tension of anxiety turning into the power needed to propel her through the show.  Amanda lived for the thrill of it.  Something could go wrong or things could go incredibly right.  In either case, you could never truly know which way it would play out until it was happening.  Then, the curtain would fall and there would be bows and applause. Amanda loved the spotlight, absolutely and unequivocally.  Only, the spotlight didn’t love her back. Her round, full cheeks wouldn’t do to play Sandy.  The curvy, womanly figure she’d grown into wouldn’t work for Annie or Pepper or even Mrs. Hannigan.  Despite the lovely, lyrical quality to her voice, it wasn’t enough to outweigh her looks. So Amanda sang out loud and long from the back row of the chorus, her robe tight across her ample chest.  She learned the simple choreography for musical numbers and was told, “you’re so light on your feet” as if it was shocking to see.  Every year was a new chance to gain that place in the middle of the stage, singing for all she was worth for everyone to hear, but never making it due to a healthy appetite which made her soft in the places where people would rather she be firm. It was the bitterest of pills, but she swallowed it, happy just to be involved.  Pleased to have her name printed in the program as a participant even if she was living off of the scraps of lesser performers who just so happened to look prettier under the hot stage lamps.  She accepted hugs from the pretty boys who tried on singing and dancing as a way to meet girls, but wouldn’t give her a second glance.  The boys who saw her as the funny, talented friend of the group.  Always happy to drive everyone home, listen to everyone’s troubles, offering sage advice and asking for nothing in return.  That was Amanda.
All too soon, school was ending.  Over.  And college loomed in front of her, full of promise and secret worries.
She knew what she wanted, what she had always wanted.  It had never changed despite the wacky directors who hid her behind scaffolding or pushed her to the dim corners of the stage.  Amanda was on the earth to do one thing only: make beautiful music. It was, after all, her favorite thing to do. Unfortunately, it was also incredibly difficult to make a career out of, something her parents constantly felt the need to remind her about.  They only wanted what was best for her, that’s what they said anyways.  And what was best, in the opinion of Mr. and Mrs. Patterson, was a steady job as a hairdresser or nurse or preschool teacher.  Anything really to fill the gap until she met “the one”, got married and started having their grandchildren. Too bad Amanda loved the music so much more.  It had taken a lot of work, hours and hours of debating and shouting but somehow she had convinced them to let her go to school for music.  The catch?  She’d also study education.  It was a compromise Amanda was willing to make, just to get her foot in the door.  Worst case?  She’d wind up a music department chair at some high school or another, a great back up plan to her real dream: musical super stardom like Linda Rondstadt or Carol King. Only, school was expensive, especially when you were trying to make music your career.  And her parents did as much as they could, which she was incredibly grateful for, but everything cost so damn much.  So, almost broke and entirely desperate, Amanda searched around until finding a part time position at The Music Shop.  She started selling sheet music and drum sticks, auto tuners and guitar straps from a squat building painted an obnoxious shade of ocean blue that could be seen for miles in any direction. Occasionally there’d be a student in need of some musical mentoring and she’d drag out her acoustic guitar, the tawny one she kept in its cardboard case after all these years.  Showing them where to hold their fingers and how to press against the tough strings in order to get a pretty sound out of the instrument brought her a lot of joy.  It was still making music and that was enough for her between class work and socializing and generally trying to be a good person. The college classes related to music and music theory were fascinating.  Her collection of records and tapes had grown significantly.  It seemed as though every new person she talked to had a list of bands she “just had to listen to” and Amanda did. How could she ever thank her roommate’s boyfriend for turning her on to Lou Reed?  Did she live before knowing all the words to Pirates of Penzance?  How did Whitney Houston sound so incredible all of the time?
Writing a paper on the importance of Tom Petty’s ability to pen pretty lyrics, Amanda found herself surrounded by like minded musical folks.  She was invited to parties where everyone sang along to the radio, getting rowdy in the tame way theater kids everywhere are prone to do.  Drinking beers was fun.  Smoking cigarettes killed her throat through and Amanda refused to damage her instrument with nicotine like that.  Besides, she couldn’t afford them anyway. When she wasn’t studying or singing or stocking, Amanda did gig out.  Sometime during her first semester she had been approached by Jim, a cellist, Mark, a drummer and Carly, a pianist.  Having met the threesome at someone or other’s pre-Thanksgiving break bash, Amanda hadn’t realized it right away but she was casually auditioning for their band.  Not once did her size come up.  All the three seemed to care about was how quickly they could get her into a rehearsal.  They had a jazz trio and wanted someone to vocalize for them, someone with a soft tone, an easy timber that could get them playing in front of bigger crowds.  That she blended in with their group dynamic made it an easy fit and soon, the four of them were playing shows together all over the area and regularly too. Now, well into her third year at school, Amanda had a good idea of what her life was going to look like.  She would work the store, teaching a couple of private students the ways of the guitar, and sing out with the band on the weekends.  If they happened to get a wee bit drunk after a show, who could blame them?  After all, they were barely twenty and the world still had so much left to show them. At the music shop, one late September Saturday, Amanda took a minute to hang up the flier for Hawkins’ Autumn Concert Series.  Their quartet had been asked to entertain, practicing for weeks now getting the set list perfect for their biggest concert yet.  Smiling happily to herself, she gently forced the pushpin into the cork board where the typical announcements of used instruments for sale, lessons for keyboard or piano, and imploring alerts for new band members all co-existed in a colorful, clashing collage. Stepping backwards, Amanda wasn’t entirely paying attention, her mind already drifting to the highlight of the performance.  What she was going to wear, how she’d do her hair, all the little details that she liked to get right in an effort to make sure that the show went off without a hitch.  That’s how she missed the fellow who was crouched down behind her, ringed hands reaching for the Iron Maiden song book that was propped up on the bottom shelf. Her booted foot hit something solid, something that shouldn’t be in the aisle, and she turned quickly.  A blur of black leather and curls flew upwards fast.  The joint of her ankle rolled and Amanda reached out blindly, connecting with a solid wall of a person, holding on with a death grip to keep on her feet. Holy shit, did this chick have pretty eyes.  It was his first thought and boy, was it a doozy.  Eddie could see the shock clearing as worry crept in, crowding around the wide irises, her lips parted in a panicked “o”.  Clipped nails clawed into the denim vest he always wore, holding herself upright against the unfair tug of gravity, her forearms pressed tightly to his chest.  Bringing a steadying hand to her wrist, he shook his head, shyly smiling, “You alright there?  Took a bit of a tumble, didn’t ya?” Inhaling shakily, Amanda nodded dumbly, her heart still thrumming.  Still standing much too close to a stranger.  She had been certain of falling but having this, this guy break that fall, was disconcerting in an entirely different way.  “Oh, I am so sorry!  I didn’t see you, and-” “Hey, it’s ok.  No harm done, so long as you’re ok.  You are ok, right?”  There was a brief flash of concern that crossed his face, but it faded when Amanda bobbed her head at his question. She hadn’t moved.  Eddie was still looking down at her upturned face, the way her hair fell softly against her cheeks and the sweet sweep of her nose making her look about as precious as he had ever had the pleasure to see.  Eddie didn’t want to look away. For another beat they stood there, together, surrounded by score books and tutorial materials while an instrumental version of “Don’t Stop Believing” played through the store speakers.  Shifting in his Reeboks, Eddie swayed to the melody and Amanda let herself be carried along with him.  In another second, Amanda was certain that she would wrap his arms around her waist and call it a day.  Already, Eddie’s free hand was sliding towards her shoulder, another point of contact with this unknown, but very cute, man. “Yo!  Amanda?  Are you-”  Kyle’s voice cut through the force field around the pair.  At the sound of her manager’s shout she panic jumped back far enough to thud against the very cork board which held her proudly hung announcement, knocking the air out of her lungs with a grunted, “Oof!” “Jesus!  What are you doing?”  
Amanda’s eyes went wide at Kyle’s intrusion, and she pressed a hand to her chest to stop her startled heart from bursting free from the unused adrenaline, “Me?  Kyle, you scared the crap out of me!” Eddie’s head had snapped towards the interruption before pivoting back to the pretty lady he now knew was called Amanda.  His hand reached for hers reflexively, to help steady her, the same shy grin tugging at his lips.  That she took it and held it like a lifeline sent a zig-zag of energy from his fingertips straight to the muscles of his tummy which tightened at the contact. One of Kyle’s eyebrows shot skyward, his face skeptical, “What’s going on over here, anyway?”  He asked as if he already knew the answer, questioning eyes full of judgment. Amanda’s mouth opened and closed wordlessly.  What was going on back here?  She didn’t know, really. Luckily, Eddie did.  “Uh, your beautiful sales associate was just helping me find this-” holding up the song book with Iron Maiden’s logo splashed across the cover, he continued, “-and uh, then you came around the corner and, ya know, scared her half to death.” “Were you dancing?” Sneaking a quick glance her way, Eddie chuckled, “Dancing?  While she’s supposed to be working?  Naw man.  Like I said, she was helping me out.” His arms crossed over his chest, Kyle stared directly at Amanda, all but demanding her side of the story.  Running a palm up her neck, leaning into her hand, she exhaled loudly, “He’s- he’s right, Kyle.  I was just giving him, ya know, a hand.” Narrowing his eyes, not believing either of them, Kyle groaned in frustration, “Fine.  Whatever.  Just, I had a question for you.  Ya know, when you’re free?” Nodding, “Sure.  Yea, of course.  Just um-” she gestured towards Eddie, “-Give me a minute, ok?” “Yea.  Ok.”  Snorting, Kyle moved back towards the register, leaving Eddie and Amanda alone once more. Blinking those amazing eyes his way, Amanda locked her hands together to keep from touching the broad boy in front of her anymore, “So, thank you.  I’m not entirely sure what was going on, but I’m glad I don’t have to explain it to my boss.” “Right.  Well, I’m sorry for tripping you up.  Covering for you seemed like the least I could do.” Amanda heard the store’s music shift, something by Annie Lennox filling the space, and she took a tentative step away from Eddie causing him to lean forward, “Wait-” “Yea?”  Her hair swung over her shoulder, that’s how fast she spun around to face him, her stare open and curious. Nervously, Eddie bit his bottom lip as he rocked on the worn down heels of his sneakers.  For the first time in as long as he could remember he was almost unsure of what to say, “Uh, can I see you again?” Amanda didn’t laugh in his face and she didn’t shy away, both reactions he fully expected if he was honest about it.  Instead, and to his utter amazement, she reached behind her, yanking down the flier she’d only just hung up, “Absolutely.”  And she pushed the paper into his hand before scurrying toward Kyle. Shit.  He was in trouble already. Waiting just another couple of minutes, Eddie made his way to the cashier, patiently standing behind a flustered mom and her teenage son.  That the kid kept trying to get her to look at the cherry red electric guitar and amp set, already staged for Christmas, wasn’t lost on Eddie.  It’s exactly the type of gear he’d lusted after when he was young and eager, before he’d gotten his Sweetheart, and never looked back. Mind wandering, he didn’t hear her at first, “I can help you over here, sir.” Tilting his head towards her voice, Eddie took a shuffling step toward her register, “Ah, thank you, miss.” “No problem.”  But it most definitely was a problem, because Amanda couldn’t lift her gaze his way.  Not when her body rolled over hot at the memory of his chest under her fingers, his brown eyes peering down at her with sweet desire in their burnt caramel depths. Amanda punched in the code numbers, reading the price sticker and busying herself with recording the sale correctly.  “Amanda?  What’s the price for the Fender capo?” “Twelve fifty!”  It’s automatic and Eddie was astonished at how she kept focused on his sale while answering her colleague from memory. Finally, she raised her face to find Eddie’s smiling one already looking in her direction, and struggling to keep the flush of her embarrassment in control managed to ask, “Is uh, is there anything else today?” “Naw, Amanda.  I think this’ll do it.”  Giggling, a bit more timid now that she was safe behind the counter, Amanda bagged up the book and relayed the total.  Eddie pulled the bills out of his wallet, his chains clinking together musically, as Amanda made change for him quickly and precisely.  When he grabbed for the package, his fingers rested over her own for just a heartbeat, “I’ll see you soon then.  And uh, thanks for the dance, Amanda.” Stunned, all she could do was stand there, confused at the Dio patched metal head who pushed through the doorway and onto the street.  Under her breath, Amanda swore, “Fuck.  He knows my name.” —
Eddie didn’t know what he was supposed to wear to an outdoor concert in Hawkins Memorial Park at the beginning of October.  Was it a jacket and tie sort of situation?  Were jeans enough?  Was he going to stick out like a sore thumb if he was wearing a Metallica t-shirt? All of these questions and more burned through the bong ripped brain of Eddie Munson.  Pacing in front of his mirror, he fluffed his hair with his fingers, fidgety and fussing.  “Dude.  You’re fine.  What’s the big deal anyway?” Fixing Dustin with a stare that would wither lesser beings, Eddie folded down the collar of his red checkered flannel shirt, “The big deal?  I’ll tell you, Henderson.  The big deal is-” grabbing for his well used bottle of Aqua Velva and splashing a few shakes into his hands, “-I don’t wanna look like a jerk.  I want to blend in.  Just uh, enjoy some new music, and a nice night.” “Psst.  Bullshit.  Who’s the chick?” His eyes widened.  How could the little butthead know?  Eddie hadn’t said a word about the music store beauty and still, somehow, the pipsqueak was calling him out. “What chick?  Who said chick?  There’s no chick.” “Me thinks thou doth protest too much.” Pausing while he fiddled with the buttons on the sleeves of his shirt, confusion filling his face, Eddie blinked, “Wha?” “It’s Shakespeare.  You protest too much ‘cause, ya know, you’re covering up.”  Frustrated, Dustin shook his head, closing his eyes as he exhaled heavily, “Nevermind.  You’re clearly lying.  Tell me about her.  Who is she?” Looking over at his youthful friend, Eddie thought about it for a long second.  Tell Dustin about Amanda?  What was there to tell?  Shrugging safely into his shirt, Eddie bought himself some time fiddling with the buttons.  “Uh, well.  I don’t really know her all that well.  We, literally, bumped into each other at the music shop when I was picking up my new bible.”  He was now entirely focused on his hair which had decided to go fluffy.  Disgusted at what he saw, looking more pampered poodle than suave rocker, Eddie continued to run his hands through the curls as he chatted with his sidekick, “She’s uh-” “Pretty?” Dropping his gaze to the top of his dresser, Eddie’s cheeks colored at the word, “Yea.  So cute.  And, she seems smart.  Funny, ya know?” Nodding, Dustin came up behind his friend, plucking a stray hair from his shoulder, “Sounds pretty damn perfect, man.” “I’m sure there’s a catch.  There always is when it comes to women.”  Eddie couldn’t help trying to keep his excitement in check.  It was better to set his expectations low.  Less likely to hurt so bad when someone disappointed him and people always seemed to be disappointing Eddie Munson. Catching his older friend’s eye in the mirror, Dustin offered up a toothless smile, “I don’t know, man.  Maybe she’ll surprise you?” —
People were scattered around the park.  Some hovered near benches, others sat on blankets and a lucky few used their lawn chairs, dragged from home, all to get a good view of the small stage where the quartet would be performing tonight.  It was exciting. Amanda had unpacked her mic and cord, scatting a bit so that the guys could get a level on her voice and ensure a balanced sound through their mixing board.  She didn’t really understand all the technicalities, but in the end it helped make sure that they all sounded as good as possible, so Amanda played along.  “Testing one, two, three- testing one, two, three.  Can y’all hear us out there?” A smattering of claps and one enthusiastic “Woo hoo!” met her question.  Carly’s electric piano came next, banging out a couple of chords, before Jim slid his bow across the strings of his bass.  Not to be excluded, Mark took a couple of rim shots, making them all laugh. Now all that was left was waiting for the start of the show.  Seven o’clock and one of the town’s cultural council staff members used her microphone to blab about why they were hosting this event and to welcome Amanda and the band.  The lawn had filled in a bit, more people milling around which was always a good sign, so Amanda took a deep breath before greeting everyone, “Good evening everyone!  We’re the Indiana Four and we’re going to play for you tonight.  If you like what you hear, there’s a tambourine-” jingling the instrument to get everyone's attention, Amanda added, “-and I’ll leave it right here, in case you wanna put a little something in it!”
It was still too early for a full on sun set, but the sky didn’t know it.  Painted in bold streaks of orange that melted into petal pink due to the rays of the sinking sun, it created a warm glow which outlined everything around them with a gilded golden edge.  The moon was already a ghostly crescent barely visible in the rainbow tinted ether when Amanda let her voice rise into the oncoming night.  Mark counted them in with a broad smile in her direction and Carly’s piano joined the swell of music.  The deeper bass notes of Jim’s cello grounded the opening strains of their first song.  Amanda gently shut her eyes, letting her body feel every word of the song she was singing, just like she would do at home in her shower or behind the wheel of her tiny car.  Unaware of herself and completely at ease, letting her instrument, her voice, blend into the melody the four of them created together. Eddie was never going to get over the sound of her voice.  Sweet and soaring, she seemed to change the quality of its tone depending on the song, always leaving him guessing.  Which version of this lady was going to sing next?  A sultry vixen, heart broken and mournful?  The shy ingenue, new to love?  A plaintive bard, looking for answers?  Or some new character created to enchant him with only the power of her voice? In between songs, Amanda smiled brightly, joking with the people gathered and teasing her band mates playfully.  It made the entire concert feel comfortable- easy.  Like the folks who came down to see them were in on the funniest joke.  All one big, happy family who simply wanted to share music on a random October evening in the middle of Indiana. “Ok everyone, you’ve heard us sing a little of this and a little of that-” wrapping her hands around the microphone, Amanda pulled the silver stick closer, “-but now we’re going to do a favorite of mine, if that’s alright.” At the opening strains from the piano, a couple, older with matching graying hair, stood in front of their chairs and started swaying together, wrapped in each other’s arms.  Amanda’s lips spread in a wide smile pointed in their direction as she started, “There’s a saying old, says that love is blind. Still we’re often told, seek and ye will find. So, I’m gonna seek a certain lad I’ve had in mind.” Moving from the lamp post he had been leaning against, no longer content to watch from the shadows, Eddie stepped directly into Amanda’s line of sight.  She saw him.  How could she miss the leather wrapped, long haired guy who was peering straight into her soul?  And she wanted to look away, give someone, anyone else in the assembled listeners, her attention, but Amanda found that she couldn’t.
Had she expected him to be there?  Shaking her head for the crowd to see answered her own thoughts.  No, Amanda had no idea that the metal loving smooth talker would actually come to seek her out.  But, she had thought about it in the small moments between guitar lessons or while driving to her classes in the morning.
So, no.  Seeing Eddie stand there, bold as brass with his wide eyed stare and his hands in his pockets was not what Amanda had been expecting.  Hoped for, maybe.  Wished for, absolutely.  Reality though was better than anything her mind might have considered. “Looking everywhere, haven’t found him yet He’s the big affair I cannot forget, Only man I ever think of with regret.” Eddie swallowed hard.  The words she was singing wrapped around him on the night’s breeze and held on tight.  It was as if they were having a conversation that no one else could decipher, a conversation for only two. “I’d like to add his initials to my monogram, Tell me, where’s the shepherd for this lost lamb?” And she sounded lost.  Abandoned.  Alone.  Exactly like the type of person that Eddie was collecting for Hellfire or the band.  A person who needed someone like him to shield them from the big bads in life.  A guy who could protect her from the sort of wolves that a shepherd like him knew about all too well. “There’s a somebody I’m longing to see, I hope that he turns out to be Someone to watch over me.”
She was singing just to him.  Only Eddie.  There was no one else to look at, no one else who could understand or appreciate what the lyrics demanded.  “I'm a little lamb who's lost in the wood, I know I could always be good To one who'll watch over me”
Eddie felt his smile slide into place.  It wasn’t the wide, dimpled, open grin that showed off his teeth and let you know he was happiest.  No, this smile was small, secret.  It drew his pretty pink tongue over the plush swell of his lips, something Amanda could see from a distance.  Then, just to be coy, his pearly top teeth bit into the pillow cushion of his bottom lip, teasing her from her position on the small stage. Even from this far away, Amanda could see that he had made an effort.  A shirt with a collar was buttoned across his chest, all red and black squares that looked soft and broken in.  Sure, it was still under his leather jacket, but the denim vest must have been left somewhere safe, because he wasn’t sporting the pins and patches that she remembered from their first encounter.  Jeans, dark blue or was it black?  She couldn’t really tell, but it didn’t entirely matter.  Either way, they fit snugly around his thighs and only sported a single torn knee.  The threads stretched across his joint, frayed and begging to be played with. His hair was wild.  It fell in waves of dark tendrils, looking to all the world like no care had been taken in its shaping and styling.  Amanda stretched the fingers of her right hand, the one not holding her mic, imagining how Eddie’s curls would feel wrapped around her fingers. He saw it all.  The way her hand fisted at her side before trailing up the chord of her microphone, tangling the slack in her fingers.  How Amanda let every note have its own moment before the next one rose to join it. “Although he may not be the man some girls think of as handsome, To my heart, he carries the key”
Eyes fluttering shut, Amanda took a breathy inhalation as the melody shifted, daring to break the spell by denying herself the sight of Eddie in the crowd.  Her heart thumped in time with Mark’s gentle drumming, thick hips swaying without her conscious approval, the crowd around her all but forgotten.  Sliding back to the original cadence, the song swelled up and out of Amanda, nearing the end. “Won't you tell him please, to put on some speed, Follow my lead, oh, how I need, Someone to watch over me”
Eddie was transfixed.  There was only him and Amanda and her voice and the falling sun burnishing everything rose golden in the fading light.  He caught the way her skirt curled happily at her ankles with every shift of her feet.  The way her mouth formed around the lyrics.  How her chest rose and fell with each expressive stanza. The words repeated: “Won't you tell him please, to put on some speed Follow my lead, oh, how I need Someone to watch over me”
Amanda let her eyes flutter open.  Closer now, unavoidable and un-ignorable, Eddie was standing directly in front of her.  The final note, held until her lungs burned from want of air, faded into the ether and she winked at him.  She couldn’t help it, really. Not when she had somehow managed to carry on as if the most handsome guy Amanda had ever bumped into wasn’t staring straight into her soul as she sang.  Not when every note was rich and ripe and reverberated across the people packed plaza even if, presently, she sang solely for an audience of one. Applause.  Clapping and whistling came from every corner of the park, jostling Eddie’s attention.  From the stage, Amanda giggled at his reaction, but smoothly covered her response, “We are just so grateful that you all came to see us tonight.  So-” tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, a shy smile pointed in Eddie’s direction, she continued, “-we’re going to do one more song before we say goodnight.” She didn’t look at Eddie at all this time.  Amanda wasn’t even sure she could, not after the intensity of singing, to him, for him.  But she could tell he was there all the same, with his elbows bending outward like leather wrapped wings, nervous energy causing him to bounce on his toes in time with the music.
The new melody started and Amanda let it take her away too.  This number is lively, the rhythm more rock than jazz, and she gave herself permission to have a little fun, show off a little bit.  Still, she actively ignored the one set of eyes that didn’t seem to stray from her own through their final song. Soon enough, it was all over and the Indiana Four began breaking down.  A few friendly folks from the audience came up and said kind words.  Luckily there were a few dollars in the tambourine and Amanda happily handed the take to Carly, “Not so bad.” “Not bad at all-” But her friend stopped mid sentence, a voice familiar and still foreign cutting through the conversation, “Um, excuse me?  Amanda?” Turning around, Amanda was surprised to find Eddie so close that the toes of her boots brushed against his Reeboks.  She looked up at him through the curtain of her mascara, “How can I help you?” Now her voice was breathy.  Husky.  And it made Eddie’s skin prickle hotly.  “Uh, I just wanted to tell you- all, tell you all just how much I enjoyed your set.” Only, Eddie never looked past Amanda’s face.  Couldn’t really.  Not when her wide eyes were staring into his own, their long lashes accentuating her curious gaze, her head tilted in a way that showed sincerity.
His calloused palm rubbed against the back of his neck, nerves getting the better of him the longer that Eddie stood there.  It felt like hours.  Long, silence filled hours where no one spoke and he dangled from a weak branch of his own social awkwardness. In reality it was only seconds before Amanda giggled like a crushing school girl, dropping her gaze to break the spell she had unwittingly cast, “Well, that’s awfully kind of you…?” Clearly she was prompting him.  It was unfair that she was at the disadvantage of not knowing his name when he had learned hers through the forced politeness of the customer service industry.  Behind her, Carly snorted as they watched Eddie extend a heavy ringed hand, taking Amanda’s in his own.  Raising it high enough to press a chaste kiss to the back, adding a saucy wink for good measure as he answered, “Eddie.  I’m Eddie.” “Eddie.”  Amanda wasn’t aware that she’d whispered it out loud until her friend was reaching past her, extending her own hand Eddie’s way for a greeting, using her flirty voice to try and charm the very handsome, very out of place guy, “Carly.  That’s me.  And-” dropping her hand when Eddie failed to take it, Carly laughed ruefully, “-you don’t care.” Carly was absolutely right.  Neither one of them paid her any attention because the world as Amanda knew it no longer existed.  Not anymore. There was a new sun, a new sky.  One with raven curls and plump, pink lips.  A center of the galaxy that smelled like Aqua Velva and cinnamon gum and something mossy green.  The world had shifted off its axis, tipping her right into the arms of Eddie Munson. For Eddie, well, he had been gone from the second Amanda had tangled herself around him so tightly that she’d almost fallen.  But it was amazing to recognize that these feelings he was having were mutual.  He got shy then, toeing at the patch of grass in front of her, hands in his pockets while he played at casual, “Wanna get outta here?” Nodding wordlessly, Amanda agreed, only to realize her unspoken intention.  “Yea!  Uh, yes.  Yes.  That would be nice.” When Eddie cocked his chin up, the smile on his face was dazzling, “Excellent.”
— She was sure that she told the band where she was going and who she was leaving with, but Amanda couldn’t be certain.  It felt like so long ago.  An age had passed since she had been standing on the simple stage, singing for all of Hawkins to hear.  Since then, the long ago days of the early evening, so much had happened. Eddie had held her hand as he walked her to his van, holding open the door and ensuring that Amanda was tucked safely inside.  Boys didn’t do that- not for Amanda Patterson.  Not for the chubby girl who still had her baby weight to lose. When he caught her nibbling worriedly at her bottom lip, Eddie asked pointedly, “Everything alright?” “Uh, yea, I just-” “Afraid I’m trying to kidnap you, huh?  I get it.  Vans do have a-” he waggled his eyebrows suggestively while pressing the tip of his tongue to the center of his top lip, “-certain reputation.  But I promise you, Amanda.  No funny business.”  With one hand over his heart, Eddie extended the other, holding his pinky finger out. She recognized the gesture.  Every school aged kid would.  “Is that- are you making a pinky promise?”
His cheeks split into a solar powered smile as he nodded, “Oh, yes.  Absolutely.  And it’s ironclad, since, ya know, we link our little fingers.” Chuckling with her whole body, her shoulders lifted as Amanda agreed by reaching out her own pinky, “Ok, ok.  No funny business.”
They wrapped their littlest fingers around the other, huffing out laughs like naughty children.  And it did comfort any nagging fears that might have flooded Amanda’s mind because it was so silly.  So unexpected.  It was also entirely sincere. Roaring to life like a beast roused from slumber, the van started and Eddie shifted into gear, “Are you, by any chance, hungry?”
He was hoping against hope that she was because Eddie wasn’t ready to say goodnight.  Not now when he finally had this beautiful songbird buckled into the passenger’s seat, looking at him with those electric eyes.  Eyes that kept pulling him in anytime he dared glance Amanda’s way, now fully focused on him and beaming. Normally a question like that would be fully loaded for a young woman very aware of her size and stature, but for the first time and without any hesitation, Amanda answered without reservation, “Starved.”
Exhaling through a grin, Eddie shook his hair off his shoulders, “Then let’s go!” The drive to the diner was filled with chatter.  He offered kind words about the band, the concert and her vocals.  “You, you’re just incredible.  Never heard someone sing like that before.” “Thanks, but truthfully, Carly and Mark and Jim, they make me sound better.”  Amanda did that thing where she deflected the words, the attention, to anyone else in order to minimize herself.  What she didn’t count on?  Eddie’s ability to see right through her. Blowing his bangs off his face, Eddie swiveled to face Amanda, his tone finally serious, “Uh uh.  Nope.  No way.  You’re gonna have to accept that you’re the star of the show, sweetheart.”  Then, he leaned over the center console, right into Amanda’s personal space to bump her shoulder with his own, “Please, take the compliment.” Her jaw snapped shut, hands in her lap where Amanda fooled around her with fingernails, fidgeting.  She swallowed thickly and bobbed her head, her voice gaining strength.  “You’re right.  I, uh, I appreciate you saying that.” “No problem at all, hun.  I’m only telling the truth.”  That’s when she noticed his little finger wiggling her way, “Pinky promise.” — Normally Amanda would frown at the idea of a booth.  They tended to be a tight squeeze, embarrassingly so when she’d have to slide across the bench, her supple thighs sticking to the tacky pleather. She desperately did not want to be embarrassed in front of the forthright dude in front of her. But Amanda didn’t need to worry.  Eddie, lacing her hand in his, tugged her to the back table, “My usual spot- out of the way and the most comfortable one in the place.” Deep and roomy, the color of jellied cranberry sauce from a can, the cushion was accommodating because of its indeterminate age.  She plopped onto the seat with room to spare, more than a little relieved, “Oh yea?” “Yea.  I’ve been breaking it in for years.” Cocking her head in a way that made Eddie’s breath hitch, a clever half teasing smile curling one corner of her mouth higher than the other, Amanda joked, “So you bring all your women here, then?” The deep barking laugh that came straight from Eddie’s chest made an elderly gentleman sitting at the countertop turn around with a scowl.  “All my women?  You make me sound like a lothario.” “Mr. Goodbar?  Is that you?”  She squinted her eyes, leaning into the bit. “Oh, Mandy, honey.  I am nowhere near that good with the ladies.” “I don’t know.  You’re doing pretty good with me, so far.”  And it was out of her mouth like a runaway rocket.  There was no way to pull it back, no way to reign it in.  It was there- out in the ether, like a comet bound to crash through the atmosphere. Amanda froze because now she’d done it.  She had pointed out her interest, revealed herself as wanting, knowing that any other time she had dared to give voice to her attraction it had always been met with let down and heart ache.  The embarrassment boiled through her. God, she had wanted so badly to play it cool.  To ensure that Eddie was really into her before making any kind of declaration that couldn’t be passed off as a joke.  Stewing, Amanda waited for the inevitable rejection from the man far prettier and sexier than she should ever hope to have for her own. But instead of a dismissive shrug or, worse, a comment about liking her as a ‘just friend’, Amanda got to watch as Eddie’s eyes lit up joyfully.  He couldn’t hide it either, apparently, since his smile widened enough to show off a pair of precious dimples, “Yea?  Ya think so?  That’s- uh, that’s good to hear.” Something about his own reckless enthusiasm caused the flood of worry to ebb away, leaving Amanda filled with a warm, gooey sensation that was not as familiar.  Could it be?  Was this what mutual attraction felt like?  Was this what love songs had been selling for generations and greeting card companies were always trying to find new ways to describe?  Was this… love? “Hey lovebirds, what can I get ya?”  It is a universal law that wait staff appear at the table when it is least convenient and this interruption by Cheryl ensured that all was right with the cosmos, her tiny pencil poised and ready to write. They had spent no time reading the menu, but Eddie had it memorized cover to cover.  Looking at Amanda, he nodded, “So, uh, do you trust me?” Again, her head tilted, appraising this nearly perfect stranger with the gorgeous grin and shaggy hair.  “Uh huh, yea.  I trust you.  Why do you ask?” Licking over his lips, he turned all of his unfiltered attention to their waitress, dialing the charm up to eleven, “Hiya Cheryl!” “Hi yourself, Eddie.  What’s it gonna be?”  There was a familiarity there that spoke of too many late night coffee cups and slices of pie.  It wasn’t friendly, really, but it was warm enough and Eddie’s puppy dog eyes moved the conversation into safer waters. “Hmm… patty melts.  Two please, with the curly fries, ok?” A curt nod answered his request, “Yea, and to drink?” He looked at Amanda, that impish twinkle shining bright in his cinnamon dark eyes, “Milkshakes?” “Oh!  Yes!  Vanilla for me, please.”  She beamed at Eddie, excitement at the consideration evident in Amanda’s face. “And I suppose you want chocolate, right Eddie?” Cheryl lifted her gaze from the scribble filled notepad to stare down at Amanda’s dinner companion. Placing his ring covered hand over his chest, Eddie batted his eyes, “You know the way to my heart, Cheryl.” Snorting approvingly at his antics, she jotted down Eddie’s preferred flavor, “All right kids, be right up.” And she wasn’t kidding because before either of them could let the silence grow, two tall and frosty milkshake glasses were being slid across the glittering formica, each topped with a mound of whipped cream and a luscious, over sweet cherry as a crown.  A pair of straws were tossed down without much thought and Amanda greedily grabbed one, eager to taste the delectable treat in front of her. “So, tell me about you.  What do you- like, what do you do for fun?”  Eddie was toying with his straw’s paper wrapper, making small talk and working hard at looking effortless.  He hadn’t been out like this, with a girl he was so into, in ages.  Maybe ever, really, and he was rusty, more than a little out of practice. Amanda swirled her own straw through the thick vanilla shake in front of her, biting into her bottom lip before replying, “Well, I work.  A lot.”  “At the Music Shop?” She shrugged, “Yup.  But it’s not all restocking sheet music and replacing guitar strings.  I teach-” “Like guitar?”  Something about the prospect was so exciting.  A fellow musician to noodle around with and she just happened to have the voice of an angel?  Was this paradise found, or what? Amanda nodded at his eager response, “Yea.  Also some keyboard, like, really beginner piano, ya know?” Eddie slurped at his chocolate shake, brain going a mile a minute.  Shaking his long hair off his shoulders, nearly gawking, he clicked his tongue before sighing deeply, “It’s not really fair.” Worry filled Amanda’s features.  Had she done something wrong?  It had all been going so well, maybe too well?  “What’s not fair?” Rapping his ringed knuckles against the tabletop before pointing her way, “You.  You’re like, too good to be true.” Shy now, Amanda turned away from his kindness, his honeyed praises, and fiddled nervously with the pendant of her necklace.  It wasn’t something she had a ton of experience with; flirting and compliments and genuine appreciation.  If she was on a stage, under a white hot spotlight, Amanda would know exactly what to say, what to do, but here on the worn out bench seat of a small town diner, Amanda found herself unmoored by all the attention Eddie was sending her way. “Oh, that’s like- I mean, I’m not-” she let her voice trail off, suddenly transfixed by something outside of the plate window. “Hey-” Eddie laid his hand, palm up, on the worn down table, his voice dropping to a whisper.  He’d said something to upset Amanda because she had taken those brilliant peepers away and that felt wrong on a primal level. “-Amanda?  Did I- uh, shit.  Did I do something, ya know, wrong?  Shit.” There was something in the defeated sound of Eddie’s expletive that brought her around.  She saw his open hand, still laying on the table and cautiously linked her fingers with his.  But she still could not meet his questioning look.  Twirling one of those big, heavy rings around his large and frankly, distracting fingers, Amanda finally huffed out a lungful of air. “I guess I should like, be honest here and tell you that I’ve never really done this.”  She motioned between the pair of them with her unoccupied hand as if that alone would explain her behavior. Eddie squeezed her fingers for a second, a trace of teasing in his tone when he asked, “Had dinner in a shitty diner?” Rolling her eyes skyward, she snorted out a small laugh, “No.  Well, kinda?  I mean, I haven’t really had a-” she let her eyes lock onto Eddie’s maple brown ones, holding him still, “-a date.  I, uh, never really had anyone, ya know, wanna take me out.  So, this is new.  For me, anyway.” Eddie could see what the admission cost her.  The once pleased smile now turned just a little pouty as her bottom lip puckered from the effort of opening herself up.  Her chest rose and fell rapidly as if she couldn’t keep the air inside her for too long, but perhaps the most telling was the way that Amanda’s hand clung tightly to Eddie’s. For a long second neither one of them said anything.  The kitchen crew could be heard, banging around pots and plates.  Another couple in a nearby booth was laughing loudly.  The radio was tuned to the oldies station so everyone could listen to Sam Cooke singing about Cupid. And when Amanda realized that Eddie wasn’t going to respond, she sat up, stiffer than before, readying to take her hand with her.  But Eddie closed his fist around her fingers, keeping his hold on her and tugging her gently forward, a pained pinch obvious in his voice, “Me either.” “What?” He closed his eyes and swallowed thickly, “I don’t date.  Uh, that often.”  Popping one eye open, just to see if Amanda was still with him, Eddie continued, “Um, I’ve got a bit of a, well, a reputation.  And for some reason, the ladies around here aren’t into that.” Shooting for levity, Eddie hoped to lighten the mood.  Moments like this, where he was on display emotionally, where he was open and vulnerable, made him nervous.  Anxious.  Twitchy.  It was fucking scary to be sitting here with this pretty bird and tell her how much of a disaster he really was with no bravado to use as armor.  And if Amanda wasn’t already heading for the hills, there was no way he would be able to stop her now. “It’s the van, isn’t it?  All the people you’ve attempted to kidnap, right?”  At her gentle jest, both of Eddie’s eyes popped open.  She was still there, sitting sweetly behind her melting shake, a tentative twist of her lips making it impossible for Eddie to stop imagining what kissing her would be like and he felt himself nodding with a hoarse giggle, relieved, “Yea.  That’s, uh, that’s it.  I’m just a creepy metal head with a super creepy van.” “You probably have candy too and uh, puppies?  For the luring of innocents?” “Of course.  What’s a kidnapper without his bait?”  “A weird guy with an empty van?”  And that absolutely shitty punchline was enough to send them both into a giggle fit, shattering any lingering tension created by being a touch too honest in the moment.  There would be a better time to talk about deep dark secrets and the reasons why two lonely people could find comfort in each other, but this wasn’t it. When Amanda pulled her hand back this time, Eddie let it go.  She used her napkin to dab under her eyes, clearing away the tears that laughing together had created.  Then she was dipping down to slurp at her creamy concoction, grinning, “This is so good!” “Right?  But, I gotta say, vanilla is-” “What?  What’s wrong with vanilla?”  Shaking his head with a laugh, Eddie raised his eyebrows, “Vanilla is kinda boring.” “It is not!”  Scalded by his choice of words, Amanda leaned over their shared table at the diner, motioning him closer.  When she was near enough for her now vanilla scented breath to skate across Eddie’s mouth, Amanda husked, “Vanilla is smoky.  Sweet.  It’s hard to grow, super hard to harvest and while there are many imitators out there.  Real vanilla.  The good stuff?  Well, that shit would rock your world.” Amanda, feeling bolder, pushed in tighter despite the formica between them, continuing in a hushed tone.  “And Eddie-” her voice dropped even lower, forcing him to concentrate on every word leaving her tenderly parted lips, lips that smelled like bourbon and sugar and cream.  Lips that Eddie wanted to taste so badly that he was sure he was going to go mad, right here in the goddamned diner, before their burgers ever made it to the table.  Lips that begged to be kissed stupid, carried on, unaware of his rising desire, “-never forget this: chocolate needs vanilla to taste so damn good!”  Sitting back, pleased as punch now that her point was made, Amanda slurped down another sip of her vanilla shake.  Eddie needed a minute.  Or seven.  He was still almost lying chest down on the booth’s table, having to cock his head up to look at the vanilla loving vixen gloating over him.  Spreading his broad hands over the tabletop, Eddie dramatically pushed himself back into his seat, eyeing Amanda warily, acting contrary for the fun of it.  “It’s a good story, kid.  But I’m still not convinced about vanilla’s superiority.  Maybe-”  He was pushing his luck, he knew it.  God, but he knew it only too well.  She’d admitted to being new to all this, inexperienced, but still, fortune favors the bold, isn’t that what some famous person had said once?  Amanda, unknowingly, waited for his follow-up, her mouth wrapped around the striped straw, her cheeks round and smiling, “Maybe?” Leaning onto one leather wrapped elbow, Eddie reclaimed the space at the center of their table, “Maybe I need to taste it again?” She’s confused.  Yea, definitely, confused.  So Amanda moved, ready to slide her icy half filled glass his way.  But Eddie shook his head slowly and waved her forward until their foreheads were almost pressed together.  That’s when he cupped her cheek, gently, softly and Amanda, powerless to stop her body, nuzzled into the warmth there. It felt natural.  Right.  Easy.  And there was no way that Amanda was going to deny herself this little bit of pleasure being offered so openly. If what Eddie had admitted was true, and the way his eyes had scrunched gave her a pretty good idea that it was, then he was in uncharted waters himself.  Something about that idea, that they were both in this raging waterfall of connection together made it safer somehow.  It made it easier to shut her own eyes and enjoy the calloused caresses of Eddie. Eddie slid his thumb over her plush bottom lip which parted without question, “Wanna taste you.  That alright, Mandy?” God, did she like being called Mandy.  She bobbed her head ‘yes’, her eyes shut from the want, already anticipating Eddie’s movements.  But he surprised her again, asking- no, telling, “Open your eyes, baby.  Please?” And only when Eddie could spy the blown open pupils of his dinner companion did he allow his mouth to surge forward.  His slightly chapped lips separated enough for his tongue to sweep across Amanda’s own and he was rewarded with a sultry sigh.  It made Eddie braver.  Bolder.  
Now he was intrepid in his search for the flavor of vanilla, teasing and taking a taste of every muggy corner of her mouth.  His tongue brushed against her own, the fresh flavor of vanilla sweetness everywhere.  Heady and exotic and exciting.  Amanda tipped her chin downward, ready to deepen this first kiss that arched over forgotten milkshakes and the paper napkins wrapping up their silverware, tentatively running the tip of her tongue over Eddie’s teeth.  Traces of chocolate and the syrupy sweet cherry from the top of his treat lingered on Eddie’s lips making Amanda hum harmonically.  Her fingers fisted into the collar of his flannel shirt, ensuring that Eddie couldn’t escape, at least, not without effort. But she wasn’t worried.  When his second hand molded to the curve of her other cheek, Amanda couldn’t avoid smiling, knowing that Eddie was as into this as she was.  As far as first kisses went, this one was ranking pretty high on the list of all time greats and both were reluctant to pull away first. “Ahem!  AHEM!  I have your order.” Two heads turned toward the intruding voice of the bored and bordering on disgusted server Doris but Eddie and Amanda didn’t jump apart like a couple of randy teens might have.  Oh no, Amanda leaned further into the cup of Eddie’s palm, offering their put upon server a small smile, dazed and almost drunkenly, “Hmm, thank you so much.” Eddie would have rather died than forfeit the pleasure of her trusting touch.  With his free left hand he reached for one of the two plates, “Here, lemme have that.” “Whatever.”  Without any further ceremony, Doris, because that’s what her name tag read, plopped both heavy ceramic dishes to the table, “Need anything else lovebirds?” Amanda lifted her head slowly, licking over her bee stung lips and nodded towards the pink cheeked shaggy headed boy still draped across their booth, “Uh, yea.  Could we have another vanilla shake, please?  It’s his favorite flavor.” Chuckling, Eddie let his broad thumb with the bitten down nail graze over the apple of her cheek, speaking to Doris but only looking at Amanda, “Two cherries, huh, Doris?” Rolling her elderly eyes, the waitress shook her head, “Right away.” Steam rolled off the two cheeseburger melts and stacks of seasoned french fries but they remained huddled as close at the table between them would allow.  Cocking his eyebrow, Eddie couldn’t help the teasing, “My favorite, huh?” “Oh yea.  You’re a convert now.” Settling back reluctantly, Eddie smirked your way, “Ever think that you’re my favorite flavor?” He was rewarded with a small kiss pressed to the inside of his wrist and what he realized was a trademark tilt of her head, “I told you that everything tastes better with vanilla, Eddie.” “Yea, you sure did.”  Biting into his burger, Eddie grinned through the grease on his face, sure he had never been happier in his short life.  And if the triumphant smirk Amanda flashed his way proved anything, she felt the exact same way.
— The second their empty plates had been cleared away, Eddie’s hand naturally kind of reached for Amanda’s, needy and greedy for the reassurance of touch.  Just as natural, Amanda slotted her fingers between his, “I gotta say, Eddie, that was a pretty amazing burger.” Pleased at the recognition, Eddie squeezed her digits for a second, “Thanks for trusting me.”  And then he seemed to realize the full implication of his statement.  Thanks for trusting him on the drive over.  Thanks for trusting his judgment about the restaurant and not just his menu choices.  Thanks for trusting his intentions. Her eyes rounded at the sentiment, giving Eddie a flash of sympathy before leaning into a flirty smile, “I had to.  You did pinky promise me that there would be no funny business and that’s ironclad.  At least, that’s what I’ve been led to believe.” “God, you remember everything, huh?”  But he sounded impressed.  Happy that she hadn’t lingered on his more revealing comment. Nodding, Amanda agreed, “Yea, I mean, I kinda have an ear and it’s always been easy for me to memorize stuff.  Lyrics, melodies, lines from movies-” Leaning forward again, engaged and interested, Eddie licked over his bottom lip, “No shit?” “No shit!” Eddie couldn’t help it.  He let his eyes roam over the pretty face in front of him, etching all of the details into his own memory, vowing never to forget the greasy sweet shine of her lips around the red striped straw or how she folded her disposable napkin up primly before laying it across her dinner plate.  The way Amanda’s hand felt so right in his and how her mouth tasted like vanilla ice cream with a trace amount of menthol throat drop lingering along her teeth. Eddie needed to remember it all for later.  For tonight when he went back to his trailer, like a gentleman.  For tomorrow or the day after or the day after that.  For all the days that would spread between this time together and the next time Eddie would be able to see her.  He was going to live off the sound of Amanda’s begrudging laugh when he made a joke that was funnier than it had any real right to be.  He planned to survive on the nourishment of her sugared sighs when those perfect, plump and pouty lips had welcomed Eddie’s own.  It was food for his soul.  Essential for life like oxygen or water. “Uh, Eddie?”  Amanda’s quiet question yanked him out of his own head and back into the present moment. He tugged the forward chunk of his hair between his long fingers, embarrassed at being caught, “Hmm?”  “You’re, uh, staring.” “Yea.  Sorry about that.  It’s just-” “Do I have something on my face?”  Panicked, Amanda patted at her cheeks to find the non-existent stain. And how could he help himself?  “Oh, yup.  A little higher.  No, lower- uh, nope, other side.  It’s right there-” he directed her wildly, pointing at the corner of his mouth to watch Amanda lick the same spot of her own, “-almost.  How do you keep missing it?” “You little shit!”  It was suddenly crystal clear that Eddie was full on fucking with her.  There never had been anything on her face. “What?  You got it.  Just now.”  Eddie’s impish grin made it impossible for Amanda to be truly mad so she settled for shooting him a playfully spiteful glare, “Uh huh.  Yea, sure.” His thumb rubbed along the side of her pointer finger, the gentle drag a grounding reminder of Eddie’s unwavering presence.  Amanda rested her chin against the flat of her right palm before sighing deeply, “What am I gonna do with you, Eddie?” Reflexively, re-actively, he answered, “Whatever you want, baby.” It was Amanda’s turn to stare.  There was an open honesty in the hot coffee color of Eddie’s eyes that hooked her right through the heart and tugged like a caught fish on a rusty lure.  He was being serious, there was no denying it. Around them the air shifted.  It was no longer funny.  It was no longer polite. The world narrowed once more, big enough for only the two of them and the dingy diner booth where they sat as everything else fell away. Her throat tightened and a lick of heated flame unfurled through her belly.  Words flooded her thoughts but Amanda couldn’t seem to settle on the ones that would say what she wanted desperately to express.  Eddie’s seemingly simple declaration had untethered her. Because it was too soon to speak with such clarity of purpose.  Too early for the implication of more to be made.  And yet, for the first time, Amanda saw the ghostly shape of possibility in the earnest expression Eddie wore. There was a promise there, stronger than one created when two little fingers linked, and something about that was spooky.  Scary.  Only, Amanda didn’t feel frightened like she thought she should, shrugging smoothly, “I- I wanna stay with you.” That was her truth, in the singular sparkling now.  Leaving Eddie, even for the comfort of home, was a thought so daunting, so disruptive, that she was actively moving against it.  Everything in Amanda Patterson said ‘stay’.  Eddie’s head bobbed in understanding.  He had no intention of letting the night end so early and without any plan in place for a follow-up rendezvous.  At Amanda’s declaration, he’d changed the grip of her hand, turning it so that their palms touched, textured heat melding together.  
He’d be lying if he denied the libidinous way his blood shot south at the whispered want in Amanda’s voice.  He was a young and virile guy, after all.  But Eddie wasn’t thinking with his dick when he said, “I don’t wanna let you go, Mandy.”
“Am I-” pausing to catch her breath, Amanda started again, “-are we crazy?” “I uh, I don’t think so.”  Conspiratorially, Amanda huffed, “Then what do we do now, Eddie?” His free hand brushed through his curls roughly before landing on the back of his neck, “Let me take you home?” It was a question born of chivalry and Amanda agreed with a thin, “Yes, please.” Eddie stood up first, somehow managing to keep her hand in his as he slipped out of the booth smoothly.  Once he was on his feet, he tugged lightly, bringing Amanda to the edge of the bench before offering his arm.  She watched as Eddie threw some loose bills on the table and then he was leading her outside of the bacon scented diner and onto the sidewalk. She floated at his side, the swaying of her skirt brushing against the stiff denim of Eddie’s jeans.  What had been an appropriate outfit for the early evening was now a bit too thin and he saw her shiver under the bright and clear Indiana sky.  Popping open the van’s door, he saw her settled inside and as she buckled her seatbelt, Eddie shrugged off his leather jacket, “Here.  Snuggle up under this, yea?” Gripping the body warm coat with greedy fingers, Amanda clutched it to her chest, humming her thanks.  He watched as she spread it over herself, nudging the collar with her nose, “Oh man, it smells like you!” “Cigarettes and bad decisions?” “Nope.”  Inhaling deeply, she thought for a minute, “Cologne?  Aqua Velva, like my granddad wears and uh, Green Apple shampoo?”  She couldn’t hide the surprised way her eyes widened or the knowing little smirk her mouth made at this discovery. “What?  I think it smells good.”  Lingering in the space between inside the van with Amanda and outside on the sidewalk, Eddie’s arms leaned into the rusted metal frame, effectively caging her in the seat. Not that she minded when every time he stretched his flannel shirt rode up just enough for an alabaster white slice of belly to peek over the waistband of his jeans.  She had already noticed splashes of black ink over each hip but couldn’t be sure of its shape.  His forearms were on display, the strong veins of his wrists visible under the artfully stained skin, and Amanda let her mind wander at the idea of what Eddie looked like under all that cotton and cloth. Amanda swallowed thickly.  She was very aware of the protective bubble Eddie had built around her, here in the cab of his vehicle.  The scent of him.  The sight.  It was a feast for the senses. And now all she wanted was to taste the plush and pillowy softness of his lips.  Lips that were moving, saying something but her mind had gone over into staticy silver.  She couldn’t help it.  Not when he was standing with his trim waist nearly at eye level, the belt of his jeans drawing them low on his hips.  “Huh?” That grin.  Broad and toothy, spread smugly over his face, “Uh, did I lose you for a second?” “Hmm, yea.  Kinda.  Sorry, what were you saying?” “I was saying, I don’t want to say goodnight, at least-” he raised a hand to her cheek, brushing the calloused pad of his thumb across her smooth skin, “-not so soon.” Having already melted into his touch, hoarse and throaty, she agreed, “Yea, no, me either.” “Yea?  So, if you’re up for a little adventure, I may have an idea.” Amanda lifted an eyebrow, questioning the boy before her with a sarcastic thread to her words,  “An adventure?” “Don’t worry, babe.  I'll make sure to get you there and back again.”  His pinkie finger was wiggling, just waiting for Amanda to link them together in a silent show of trust. —
Thanks for reading!  Part 2 is coming soon!
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45 notes · View notes
theothershin · 1 year ago
tyler holt for the character list! if that's alright!
I don't see why you'd come to me for this, since you're clearly more versed in Holt language than me, but of course it's more than alright! Admittedly, I've been re-blogging this sort of thing and waiting for someone to ask me, and at last here it is! So yeah, I'm a bit thrilled.
My favourite thing about them You know, I've always loved this guy, but I never stopped to think about why I really like him. I guess if I had to say, it would be his relationships with his brothers, especially Dale. I've always been a sucker for familial relationships enduring through hard times, but Tyler's relationship with each member of his family is unique. And everything is made even more tragic because these relationships do not persevere throughout the hardship they all go through. No matter what, Dale dies, his body eternally lost in the destroyed motel as it goes up in flames. No matter what, Jay is scarred as a teen, only until Zoe pays him a visit, if she chooses to forgive him. But even after that, he's still alone for the rest of his life. Sharon and Tyler are together at first, but Sharon decides it's best to leave. She's either left alone, or is stuck in a life with a man who loves her, but whom she doesn't love. Tyler is now alone in jail or in a hard life where he must now work for himself, or he's dead. His relationships are all shattered. Tyler's story doesn't end well, and even though it doesn't exactly end with a big, terrible bang, it's really not a good ending. And to make things worse, he's alone. So that's a really interesting part of his character
Least favourite thing about them Tyler doesn't panic all too often, but when he does, he loses his temper easily. He gets mad and exaggerates what he really means, and gets really mean. It's annoying sometimes and sometimes tiring, but everyone has flaws and everyone has to endure their own and others' flaws.
Favourite line "This will all be over when we win. Remember that, and do your part." This can be used in so many situations, namely war. Not that war has anything to do with ADF.
brOTP Vince and Tyler. They're both so similar within their own lives, and their roles within the whole Desert Dream Motel Mistake-Massacre. They may not be bros as in friends or bros at all, but they are parallels of each other.
OTP I don't think I really have an OTP, but I don't really mind the Vince/Tyler ship.
nOTP I don't know. There's not really many ships in this small fandom. But I guess I would never ship something like Joyce/Tyler. That's a recipe for disaster.
Random headcanon I headcanon that Tyler is a very neat and organised guy.
Unpopular opinion Jay is kinda mid compared to Tyler. I have nothing against Jay, he's just not as interesting.
A song I associate with them Endless Confusion by Faisal Latif.
Favourite picture of them I saw a post of a picture of the part when Tyler was picking up the phone to call someone(we never learn who that is, but I suspect it's Shanon. After all, she shows up when she learns that everything has gone wrong, and she shows up later on in chapter 3. Plus, who else is Tyler gonna call? We don't know any friends who show up or anything remotely similar). And there was a text underneath which said, "Give me some time to think and I'll probably come up with something that sounds coherent." Or something like that. That was my favourite picture of Tyler, but honestly I don't know how to get my hands on that one, so I'll just bestow you with this picture:
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I'm not sure if I've told you anything new really, but I hope you enjoy it anyways!
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chiisana-lion · 2 years ago
Izuleo 👁️ subakoga 👁️ midoyuzu 👁️
cracking my knuckles rn i Will answer for each character so im putting this under a read more (also i answered for yuzuru here!!)
favorite thing about them he likes shrimp hes just like me for real also the fact his hobby is bullying his underclassmen but he really does have a desire to help and guide them properly and Does do that in the end!!
least favorite thing about them kidnapping :( (serious note though i do find his relationship w makoto really interesting)
favorite line his "sooo annoying" catchphrase <3
brOTP everyone in knights!!
OTP izuleo the everythings. giving each other a 2nd chance to try again.,..., also they are literally living together so
nOTP izumako akjdsgkjashsjkhg
random headcanon saw he liked to knit and i think he'd make nice matching sweaters for everyone in knights at some point
unpopular opinion none here either!
song i associate with them that's why i gave up on music by yorushika is really izuleocore
favorite picture of them ur comic reminded me of this card and he looks like hes enjoying himself a lot picking out keychains for everyone hjksdghkjgsd
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favorite thing about them he's a silly guy!! just really loves composing and sena and knights and he's been through. so much what the hell was checkmate head in hands
least favorite thing about them nothing tbh
favorite line his little lover's quarrel with izumi in sudden death jgwhjkghkjds
brOTP madaleo is rly sweet to me and in dark night's passing.. augh
OTP izuleo!!
nOTP instead of saying none here maybe i should just remove this part entirely but i rly dont have many notps whkjwhjksdg
random headcanon he brings izumi over to his family's house so often that they actually get rather surprised when he comes back on his own
unpopular opinion none really come to mind 😔
song i associate with them ^ same as the one in izumi's
favorite picture of them this sticker <3
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favorite thing about them he's obviously very protagonist coded with the typical happy and sunny personality but like!! he is also kind of a jerk sometimes!! hes actually fairly observant of people!! and he does work so hard and the fact he was shunned for it early in his yumenosaki years </3 but rly he has a lot of love in his heart and shows it and i rly like charas like that
least favorite thing about them understand the initial discomfort w arashi but the transphobic comments sometimes 😔
favorite line im sorry its been ages since i last read stories none come to mind rn orz
brOTP him and midori wkjsjgdkjhksd junior he likes to tease fr. also anzu!!
OTP poly trickstar is always fun!! also sbhk i esp like and you already know subakoga i have a soft spot for
nOTP him and anzu specifically, they're more besties to me
random headcanon trickstar sleepovers. thats it
unpopular opinion not gonna lie i actually quite liked him in meteor impact, yeah he said what he needed to say and albeit harsh chiaki Was being not the best! at that very moment and probably needed that
song i associate with them STARDOM! from ai/katsu stars gives me a kinda trickstar vibe (<planned to draw them in said dresses related to such but never got to it)
favorite picture of them i like him in the starpro photoshoot a lot!!
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favorite thing about them hate UNDEAD all they do is shout go dogboy go (koga probably) i really like his voice!! yuki ono slays each time
least favorite thing about them i think he can stand to calm down a bit sometimes. but then again i guess thats his charm
favorite line [i need to brush up on stories for real] but his halloween line about leon and daikichi's matching costumes was cute djkgshkhjsdg
brOTP adonis and koga!!! love their friendship and how hes one of the people he can rly open up to in UNDEAD. also his and ritsu's dynamic is so so funny too wyd when the guy u admire more than anything else's little brother calls u corgi and makes u spoil him. also the aoi twins.,,.... i love the light music club
OTP only sbkg as of rn but im fairly open to others skdjghjksdhg havent thought much of that i just think those two specifically were nice
nOTP none!
favorite picture of them he looks really nice in this one :) just having fun w his love of dogs and they love him!!
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favorite thing about them mascot lover so true!! also his growth is soo <3 he really didnt wanna be there but grew to love everyone in ryuseitai and being an idol and how hes definitely trying harder now compared to ! era augh
least favorite thing about them ik he doesnt really mean it most of the time when he says he wants to die but it still hurts a bit like </3 dont say that
favorite line Climax makes me so...,,... when he talks about how he felt bad for essentially wasting Chiaki's efforts in raising him as an idol in the end after a whole year like... aughgj..........................
brOTP EVERYONE IN RYUSEITAI they love each other. so so much
OTP *gesturing @ everything* i like midoyuzu a perfectly normal amount (lying)
nOTP hmmm none really.,,... i guess i cant rly see chia/mido in a romantic way if anything?
random headcanon he saves yuzuru's art on his phone and look back at them as a pick-me-up during training or work sometimes!
song i associate with them i mean what else it really does fit him to a T imo
favorite picture of them 7th anni homescreen art gets me each time hes just. hes so damn starstruck it obliterates me
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mango-ribs · 2 years ago
Howdy Howdy, let me help your boredom a bit friend, I was doing a "like this post and I'll send you an ask" but didn't go through all the question ideas yet. SOOOOOOO, let me find my post-it notes... Ah, here...since you did say you like world building in your main post, I HAVE to ask. What's your favorite world that you've built? What were some of the characters in it? What were things like? Fantasy? Sci-Fi? Etc? If you can't pick a favorite tell me the one that you threw the most effort into. (Bonus Question: If I remember correctly, I saw you made a post a while ago of making a normal guy and then completely ruining him? Are you still working on that because it sounded tight!) AND have a swelltastic day, friendo!
Hi there!! :D
That is.. an AMAZING question, I don’t even know how to really answer without something that’s 204840495 miles long complete with annotations and my whole life story, but I’ll do my best! :)
My favorite world I’ve made, hmmm… I suppose I can split that into categories. One being the one I spent the most time on, one I indulge most in, one that brings me the most comfort and one that I simply enjoy the most.
Btw in each section I’ll state the name of the universe/whatever I call the world/storyline, so feel free to ask questions abt them ,,,
Here we gooo!
‘Spent most time on?’
I usually spend a couple months each on every world I make, but the longest running one I still indulge in today is probably The Misfits Universe, which I spent a total of 8 years working on, and recently ended a 5 year long roleplay in.
It’s a very special universe to me I don’t tell many people about actually, it started completely by accident where I met some friendly people on a roblox game called Misfits High and we started roleplaying normally. What started as us just doing random rp’s with characters we made up on the spot every week or so grew into a daily thing for years, expanding characters and the lore and it just became so beautiful.
It’s very very loose in plot as there are like a million different characters, what we sort of did instead of making a solid storyline we had a bunch of characters and simply roleplayed their storylines within the universe. It’s what I do with a lot of worlds actually, I find it a lot more freeing! But yeah, it’s set in an alternate reality where humans and monsters are separated from one another under the rule of a clan of gods. The characters are centered around a haunted old town that used to be human only until it was infected with a special virus and yadayadayada, it’s too much to explain LOL
It’s gotten to the point where I can tell you the creation of the universe and it’s dimensions as a whole but it has a LOOOOT of plot holes due to us making it when were so young. I’m so sad to see it go but I think it’s time I finally lay it to rest, it’s no longer interesting and has so many terrible memories attached to the past. I intend to keep using some of the characters I got from it :)
‘Most indulgent?’
That one is pretty hard to answer as lately I’ve been much more indulgent in my worlds rather than focusing on strict rules. Sort of just letting myself fuck around and do whatever I want. But my most indulgent probably has to be Kongoiro Universe, it’s essentially a universe where everything is sort of utopia like.
It’s where I sorta just dump everything I daydream about that doesn’t take place in another specific universe. It’s a place I can escape to, and pretend I live in a world where struggles are temporary. But otherwise it’s kinda boring..
‘Most comfort?’
Oooof this is a hard one. I rarely make non-comforting/angsty universes anymore for personal reasons (though soon I really wanna get back at it,) but the most comforting one I have is probablyyyy…. Magic In Threes.
Magic in Threes is a series-type thing I have in my head inspired by Chonny Jash’s songs! (hes absolutely amazing, creates covers of tally hall and changes the lyrics and god it’s amazing.) it is about a character nicknamed Soul, who are followed by incarnations of his suffering. Dark, a massive demon, represents the darkness: Depression, the mind, the past, Soul’s anger, etc. Light, an angelic being, represents the light: Hope, trickery, the heart, impulsiveness, and the future. Just because Light represents hope does not mean he is good. Both attempt to guide Soul through life and the infinite labyrinth that is his mindpalace, and overcome the struggles of living with trauma.
And I’m kinda projecting—
‘Enjoy the most?’
I don’t really know if I have one I enjoy the most, each one has their own things that make me like them and dislike them. Though one that is up there is definitely Lucraca, my take of a cyberpunk post-apocalyptic dystopia where humans have been long dead and the world is now controlled by robots (mostly object-heads.)
I have so much fun coming up with different concepts for it, it’s a wee bit cliche but its my world and I decide the dystopia Goddammit!!!! there are also a lot of AUs but they’re extremely fucked up and I won’t be getting into them rn LOL
But uH yeah,,, thank you for listening to my ramble and asking such a great question, this made me super happy!! If you guys want you can ask questions abt my universes, currently I believe I have around 71 documented and like a million more brewing up in my head. also yes I did hit the Funny Number.
*vine boom*
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heresmaitake · 1 month ago
Romance is back in my life… kinda
It’s raining as I write this, and you know what’s interesting? I don’t miss anyone. Not a single person. And yet... I miss the feeling of having someone to miss when it’s pouring outside. Do you know what I mean? That little pang in your chest when you think of someone, the way songs suddenly feel like they were written just for you, it’s been a while. Right now, I’m listening to Officially Missing You, the legendary song of my life, lol. Back when I was young and caught up in one-sided puppy love, this song was my go to.
Don’t get me wrong, though. I’ve said this before, and I’ll say it again: I’m perfectly happy on my own. I’m not in a rush, and I’m definitely not desperate to fall in love. But wow, now that i realise, it’s been forever since I’ve had a crush.
Honestly, I’ve been way too busy for romance. Preparing for my education (I’ll officially be a college student next March, yippee!) and managing everything around it took all my focus. This year has been a lot. How do I even describe it? Stressful? Chaotic? Let’s just say my life has been a rollercoaster from January to November 1st, when my visa was finally granted.
It’s funny looking back now, but there were so many moments when I sat beside my bed, crying for 5–10 minutes, just overwhelmed by how hard it felt to make this dream come true. And then? I’d get up, feeling fine and motivated again, only to cry again the next week while waiting for good news. Rinse and repeat. I guess I'm a somewhat positive person, but I'll cry while staying positive, hahahaha. At that point, romance had completely left the building. There was simply no space for it in my life.
But these days, something unexpected has brought romance back into my life, not in real life, but through a romcom novel I picked up recently. I’ve said it before, I’m your average romcom enjoyer girlie, and for this novel, let me tell you, I am hooked. The story, the characters, the chemistry… where do I sign up for a love story like that? It’s like I’m living vicariously through these fictional couples, and honestly? I’m all in.. The innocent but not-so-innocent love story still has all the tension, seriously, the chemistry between the couple is insane. The slow burn? I’m not even finished with the novel yet, and they haven’t started dating by the point I’m at, but they both already know how they feel, and I’m crazy for it! Slow-burn love stories have always been my thing, and it’s the same in real life for me. I think it’s because in my own life, I tend to fall for someone slowly. Attraction might come quickly, but love isn’t something that can be rushed. It’s a process of discovering each other, building trust, and understanding how we really feel over time. I value the time it takes to truly understand someone, and that’s what I appreciate most in others, too. For me, love that’s forced or rushed never feels as real, genuine or deep. But when someone takes the time to respect my boundaries, truly sees me, and lets things develop naturally, that’s when I know it’s the real deal. There’s something so beautiful about letting love unfold at its own pace, without rushing or trying to label it.
For me, the beauty of slow-burn love is that it evolves. It’s not about rushing, but about letting things grow naturally. Over time, you look back and see how much deeper things have become and in that moment, you know every second of waiting was worth it. Haha, okay, I’ll stop before I start rambling again, but honestly, this novel has seriously awakened the romance side of my life again. I didn’t expect it, but here I am, feeling all the feels!
Anyway, enough about my slow-burn love obsession. I can't wait to finish it and see where the story goes! So for now, I’ll leave it at that, but I’m sure I’ll be back with more romcom talks, probably with a ton of feels and maybe even a few more butterflies. 💕
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notebookmusical · 9 months ago
Hi! I hope you had a good week! I hope you have a nice trip with your family and some down time in the upcoming week. Things are mostly fine..I just have to spend time doing a lot of spring cleaning that sometimes overwhelms me. I haven't had time to watch Poor Things or eras yet but will totally tell you what I think when I do. I'm really hoping by the end of this weekend. I've also heard mixed things and it might not be my kind of movie either but I will watch it for her and since it was up for awards. I saw it being compared to Barbie cuz the plot is kinda similar but it's also probably a lot weirder lol. Even if I end up not liking it, I think her performance can make up for that.
I don't really know because she didn't have a lot of singing as Gretchen in the movie or much part at all and I thought what's wrong with me was one of the most awkward parts of the movie besides Stupid with Love lol. But her voice is beautiful and probably better than or for Cady. I totally agree about It Roars! Changing her opening song added nothing..and she really did just seem like a new student, not even homeschooled really. They did try to show some of her awkwardness though. I honestly don't remember the actual scene in the musical for More is Better but I guess I agree cuz she didn't really have a reflection type moment at all, and all her relationships or friendships didn't seem as genuine. So basically the mathletes song would not have made sense in the movie. Like we didn't get to see her growth as the main character..I think Janis and Regina's changes were felt more..idk? So it's just kinda there for me too since the movie and musical already exist. But people seem to still like it, even as a musical or remake, so it's not totally bad. Haha I can't comment cuz that was my first introduction to Les Mis and so were a lot of other movie musicals, like Hairspray or Sweeney Todd. But I didn't even like Les Mis when I first watched it..I thought it was long and boring...l so I will say opinions can change haha.
Well I never had the chance to order and was able to pick the one I wanted since they were all already announced but I agree with your points. Usually I just wait until they're all announced anyway and I did that with 1989 too. I think she specifically wanted something new to announce at every country tour stop though so it kinda makes sense to spread it out. She announced Midnights and 1989 all at once I think...or at least we knew how many there were beforehand. This time I wasn't sure cuz I thought maybe there would only be two bonus tracks at first, similar to Evermore. So that makes it hard because we have to pick the version based on a song we haven't even heard yet. That's why I went with the cover I liked best, the Albatross and I never really play my vinyls anyway lol. I'm honestly still not sure what to think of these bonus tracks yet..like if they're all connected in some way like different endings like Folklore and Evermore or if it's more like 3AM..and they are just extras that didn't fit the album. They all have "the" in the title and seem pretty similar based on the concepts, which is almost like old fashioned words or phrases. It just gives me that vibe. but it also bothers me we won't get to hear them with the rest of the album on a first listen and how the vinyl will be missing other songs. But I think other artists do it and some people like the special edition vibe of each one.
Anyway the explicit tracks are the tortured poets department, Down Bad, But Daddy I Love Him, Florida, loml, I can do it with a broken heart, and the smallest man who ever lived. So I was already interested in the title track but this made me more interested since those are always my favorites. I also think the song will set the tone of the album maybe, like Fearless and Red in a way. Or it might be a single..but if it is, I would expect it to be similar to Cardigan in a way. A song I love with a lot of metaphors or her best lyrics. I also think the song could be about her career or how she uses writing songs to get through her life. But I also saw someone say it could be about how her and Joe loved being sad writing sad songs together so maybe it's a bad thing and a metaphor for their relationship or breakup. Either of these could be interesting to me! So it's hard to imagine her using harsh language for this song so I would guess it's minor. What do you think? I haven't thought much about Down Bad as a song..lol but maybe she will twist the phrase and what we would usually think it means? It's one of the ones that don't stand out to me so I guess this makes me more curious. But Daddy I love Him didn't shock me cuz it's very Lana. loml could be the same idea of down bad and she's changing the phrase, or the title is misleading. I feel like it's something she would do and that was one of the songs I was already excited for and same with Florida. I can do it with a broken heart also seems like one that will have minimal language to me but maybe i'm wrong. It wouldn't surprise me if she says fuck in smallest man who ever lived though. I think maybe two of these songs might say the f word and that's it. It seems to be the pattern from her last few albums. Anyway I can send you more of my thoughts on other songs later closer to the album coming out. But omg about rep! Do you still like some songs? I totally get it if it's not your vibe..but I personally love it. Maybe the rerecording will make you.like it hopefully. I just think it's one of her albums that I like as the full album..more than individual songs. I think half of this album seems like it could be kinda similar to rep almost? Like telling a full story in a way chronologically possibly in the way that rep does..the same way it kinda told the beginning of the relationship. Aww I hope you still have fun and enjoy listening to the new album when you come back! My sister and I started writing our thoughts while we listen to each song on texts to each other so we can remember our first impressions and we do it for albums we are really excited for!
We did it for the last few but sometimes like with the Kacey or Bleachers one there's not a lot to say. For Taylor, I like to get my first listen in and then write my thoughts so I'm not distracted but sometimes I can't always remember certain lyrics that stood out. It's kinda fun to look back at reactions and see which ones stood out and also sometimes helps keep track of which song is which or which ones we liked. My favorites usually stay the same but with Midnights there was so many i thought was just okay at first, like you're on your own kid or Antihero. What are you hoping to get at record store day?
I would definitely recommend the Eternal Sunshine movie! It kinda reminds me of a more weird kinda bleak version of 500 days of summer if you've seen that. But the movie is about erasing all of your memories and a person from your mind which was the concept of the song but didn't fit the whole album to me.
Well twenty one pilots has another new song and video out and I love it! They also announced their tour so that gives me something to look forward to. You can always listen to it or their other albums if you want and see what you think. Even if you play the two new songs, it shows they can do different genres and different sides to their music lol. I also spent the week listening to Beyonce's albums and I realized that I love when artists can do different genres. It shows their creativity and artistry and how much they care about music. I definitely felt that with her new album! It's pretty long but it was new and different for her and I admire how she made her version of country. It was also kinda split into sections with radio interludes. I only heard it once but I'm excited to listen to it again. I think I liked it more than my first listen of Renaissance actually and it has more slow songs and vocals so you might enjoy it! My favorites were Bodyguard, Alligator Tears, Levi's Jeans, Riverdance, and Hands II Heaven I but just on the first listen. I would also recommend Soccer Mommy and Best Coast which are alternative singer songwriters pretty similar to Paramore if you need more recommendations! don't worry about replying, since this ask got really long. I hope you have a good weekend enjoying time with family.
helloooo friend!! i hope you've been doing well 🤍 so sorry this has been so delayed 🤍
how have things been for you? what have you been up to? have you been listening to anything new? i've been essentially looping either cast recordings, schmigadoon (which i finally watched yesterday + today), espresso by sabrina carpenter & good luck babe by chappell roan. i listened to the new maggie rogers once and liked it, same with the new lizzy mcalpine, but haven't had the brain capacity to properly listen and learn lyrics and all that yet!
i haven't really done album of the day in like three weeks... oops? i think it started to feel more like a chore than something i was doing for fun. and that was also what happened to my hobonichi, but i've also been sick + out of town so i'm giving myself some slack there :( i feel like every time i talk to you i am sick and i'm sorry i keep complaining about it!!
i've always loved les mis, but i think i was predisposed to do so! i've only seen the sweeney film, and until recently haven't really been interested in it but i might hunt down a bootleg and see if i like it... we'll see. have we talked about schmigadoon yet? i feel like we have, but i can't remember. i'm currently sick (what else is new) which is why i finally sat down and watched schmigadoon — i might finally watch some bootlegs i've been meaning to watch for ages too.
happy tortured poets release week!! i'm still feeling a bit detached from the album and release week, but i'm excited to talk to you about it and hear your thoughts/your favorite songs! i saw the songwriter credit list came out today; i don't think my opinions on what songs i'm most intrigued by has changed, but i'm curious if yours has based on who worked on what!
i am no longer doing record store day since i'm sick :((((( but i'm hoping that a friend will be able to pick up a record or two for me, and maybe i'll luck out trying to hunt things down online the next day!
i listened to the new beyonce album while i was on vacation! i really liked it and i think the radio interludes were really cool! i'll have to do a couple more listens until i can pick a favorite though!!
did you get tickets to the 21p tour? i hope you did! 🤍 i'm so sorry this is short!! i have not been feeling well but i wanted to reply to this before it got even longer <3333 love you!
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